Saturday, February 27, 2016

Habitual ritual

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Best New York Times headline of the day

The FIFA Longshots: Prince Ali, Monsieur Champagne and Mr. Sexwale

Wish you were there

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Why Trump is still crazy

It's become painfully obvious that the republican party really does not take itself seriously and no one with a functional brain does either.

That said, Don J Trump will probably still in, because in the end not even right wing gun licking crazy people will vote for a pudgy Canadian and a dimwitted Florida hack.

So Donny remains the man who will lose to whomever is running against him in November. The democrats are in an enviable position. A 7 year record of achievement for the current president. Wars ended, debt under control, a dead Osama, a functioning auto industry, a housing market not being crushed, investors swimming in Wall Street cash and more people with healthcare.

Republicans sell fear and hate, democrats generally sell not being republican.

Bring on the show.

Oh Iowa

Elderly uninformed white people in Iowa remind everyone they are not to be trusted.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Becky's magic

If you are interested in purchasing some art, click here.

Dear Iowa

There are a little more than three million people who live in Iowa, the vast majority are white and older. Tonight, if you elderly white people are lucky, ten percent of you will show up to caucus. A small percentage of a tiny states population will give TV empty headed pretty people something to gab about for at least 8 days.

The last time Iowa republicans actually picked a president was 2000 and thank you for helping get the worst war criminal president in history elected.

So, dear fellow Americans who happen to live in Iowa, please do us all a favor, stay home and do what you undoubtedly do almost every night of the year, and that is spend the night wishing you lived in a better state.