What, have you not been paying attention? Jesus, sometimes I think the people who troll the internet do so with their brains turned off and their pants on the floor.
OK, so if you click here, you can visit some cool images sent in or taken from all over and some are kind of cool. The Libitard site has been taken over with these images and that's just peachy. I was asked this week, "why don't you write more short posts?" and I said I don't have much to say.
Which was kind of honest.
Plus I priorities and limited brain abilities.
That said, this is a post, enjoy.
Also, if you click here, some posts come up with new words and updates on books, posts and stuff like that.
This blog seems just about dead, mostly because it bores me to keep reposting here and there and everywhere and you people, those of you with your skirts still on, can figure out where to go, right?
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