Recently I was lucky enough to find a hidden surprise in my mail that has somehow allowed the ads to return to this little blog, which is nice and so, I am doing my best to update and keep things relevant, except I was just waltzing though this mess and noticed on one of the ads, a link to King Mitt Romneys site, which is cool, since I am a registered republican and all, but I am not one of those inbed republicans who votes republicans down the line because I think republicans are better Americans.
No, I am not one of those. So, it is strange to see my ads asking people to support this moronic mormon candidate that I could never imagine myself supporting. That said, this is America and maybe you should click on over and see what the Mittster has to say today about what he said yesterday, because on almost an hourly basis, he flips, then he flops and soon enough, he flips right back again.
It's fun and sad. All at the same time. Enjoy.
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