Monday, November 25, 2013

E-book reminder

The vast majority of everyone in the entire universe will be traveling soon. I am making that up, but if you listen to a radio or happen to own one of those TV things, you will hear a story in the next few minutes about the nightmare of holiday travel.
I am at the airport as I write this. There was NO ONE in line for security. No one. Not a single person. I was alone.
That said, I have been sitting here posting little boring posts about why people should be reading Branson 3, and it did dawn on me, it’s a good book for plane travel. It is, that part is true. So is the part about not a single person being in line for security.
Branson three is a fast and furious read. It’s digital, it’s linked right here and I am about to download it myself and read it on my way to Atlanta. You should too.

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