Oh my how puritanical we all become when a beloved television host admits he likes to have sex. Maybe it is sex with assistants, or interns or people other than our respective significant others that really drives people wild, I am not sure. Maybe it is just the idea that others are flaunting societies rules. Which is why we can never allow the gays to marry, they will flaunt their hedonistic lifestyles all over the place and make us all crazy.
First, who has not wanted to have sex with a co-worker? It happens. I forget the study and the exact numbers, but men in general think about sex every few minutes, except when you are between the ages of 18-25, then that is all they think about. I imagine women are the same way, but I have never been a woman (yet) so my experience inside that particular head is limited at best.
Sexing a co-worker is fun and can be healthy. Much like I can not remember the exact number of cars I have had in my lifetime, I can no remember the number of co-workers I have accidentally slept with. I say accidentally, because for the most part, sex with co-workers does not involve dating and classic seduction. Again, I would be speaking from my own experience here.
I grew up a week or so before we all became aware of sexual harassment and using sex as some sort of career enhancement. I grew up at a time when sex could be an intimate communication between two people overwhelmed with attraction, a way of defining and enhancing love, or a way to bring a smile to your face. All were fine, all were acceptable. I slept with my boss at a news organization and it was nothing more than having the office to ourselves while we edited stories. I did not get a promotion and she did not get fired. We both survived and it was swell.
So David Letterman likes to have sex and sometimes that involves people in his office. I still do not see a problem. I am a sex positive person, I believe sex is natural and healthy. I never got into the shame game. The religious fanatics who hate sex and hate people having sex and hate anything anyone else is doing in the privacy of their bedroom or boardroom. These are the same badly dressed morons who protest at abortion clinics, healthcare debates and cry out loud and demand impeachment of a president who lies about blow jobs. Of course, these badly dressed hypocrites do not demand the same of a president lying about wars, a senator who has sex with prostitutes or one who pays almost 100 thousand dollars to the aide he was boffing.
Why is sex so fun and yet so filled with shame and danger?
I am trying to raise children with a positive attitude toward sexuality. We have had frank talks about how wonderful sex is, how natural it is to communicate in an intimate way with sexuality and what a wonderful expression sex can be when linked with true love. The fact is, everyone discovers sexuality in a platform that they find comfortable. The job of having your own intimate life is that you get to define how you want to act and react in a sexual fashion. So if you want to lay back and think of England, that is fine, or if you want a gag in your mouth and a swinging sling in your dungeon, all good by me. Better yet, if you have a private office with an even more private "meeting room" and you and your willing associates like to slip away for some discrete adult play, more power to you.
I have never been charged or even investigated for any sort of sexual incident. I have never charged anyone with taking advantage of me, or using their power to get me in the sack. Neither has David Letterman. Most of us are willing partners in the sex game. Most of us are adults with passion and time. Do I care who sleeps with who and what they do? Not likely, unless there is video I need to review. What I do care about are the hypocrites who one day decry blow jobs as an impeachable offense and the next day want to make sure that anyone enjoying anything sexual must be a deviant, unless it is their particular deviancy, then it's OK.
What say we just let people be sexual in all the ways they are comfortable being sexual? I won't tell the senator from Nevada not to screw around on his wife (same with the senator from Louisiana) and they will not tell me who and what I am allowed to do in bed, or in marriage. Sounds fair.
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