I remember many years ago, the Bush administration used a police of intimidation linked with patriotism and direct lying about intelligence and threats to get basically every non-thinking member of congress to pass a war resolution. There were hundreds of protests with millions of people taking to the streets and still congress chose lies over logic.
Once the lies were found out and the depth of the deception was understood, I think a collective understanding was realized that we would never allow an elected leader to mislead, lie and twist facts to get his/her way. We had been lied to the last time.
Billions upon billions have been lost, as well as over 4000 American soldiers lives, in a war built on lies. There should be no greater shame. Yet, right before leaving office with a smug childs look on his face, Georve W. Bush found a way to crank up the volume for one more patriotic lie.
Strange how the first one made millions, if not billions, for right wing industries, like Haliburton. Months before leaving office, at least according to a new Troubled Asset Relief Program report, billions upon billions were shuffled into the hands of bankers and investors who had shown an amazing penchant for losing money. When you find someone who can lose and mis-invest billions of dollars, the very last thing you should do is justify giving such a bonehead more cash.
As the economy was teetering on insolvency, back in the spring of 2008, the Bush propaganda machine went into overdrive to scare congress into allowing hundreds of billions of dollars to be spent to bailout bankers. Stupid bankers at that. Congress, showing the same brilliance it did when debating the Iraq war, fell back into a familiar pattern. If they voted against this resolution, they would be branded as unAmerican, or worse, a socialist. Or something. It didn't matter, by that point in the Bush administration, they puppeteers knew exactly how to play the puppets. In a very short span of time, congress gave the Bush treasury department access to over 700 billion dollars.
So, a new report from the TARP inspector is finding that the Bush administration overseers gave out checks to friends, campaign supporters and other crooks. This is not surprising to anyone who is paying attention to the ways of Bush and company, but what is shocking, shameful and cynical is how the democratic congress gets played at will by the bully republicans.
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