My fiance and I are going to Canton Ohio to convince idiots to vote for Obama. Wait, I should not say idiots. We will be working to get undecided morons to vote for the president, I believe that's better. Actually we will be going door to door to talk to people and hopefully explain why they should vote for the better candidate in this election, it's that simple.
I'm not sure of my exact motivation for going to Ohio, except that it looks like the election will be decided there and I got a call from the Ohio Obama campaign and I said yes. Plus, this election seems like one of those election that is real important.
Now, earlier this year Mitt Romney put a Mormon Curse on me by saying the word Ishkabibble over 7 times during a conversation we had. Today, during a press event in Ohio, the former magic underwear wearing robotic governor of Massachusetts was asked if he were elected president would he continue to fund FEMA and he mumbled Ishkabibble and got in his limo and disppeared.
Canton Ohio is supposed to be nice this time of the year.
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