Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I don't have a pony in the Massachusetts senate race, won tonight by a republican, take that Ted Kennedy.

I do think the democrats are failing on a variety of levels and that makes all elections in the next few years interesting, if nothing else. First things first, republicans are brilliant are red meat to angry dog electioneering. It is almost classical the way they work, operatic.

Half of the American adult populace can not read. Imagine that, 50 percent of the people can not read election materials. So, you have to find a way to motivate illiterates to go to the polls. Democrats think you need to educate these non-readers. They talk and talk as if everyone reads bills and understands complex issues. We don't, most can't read and they like to vote. They get angry at something, congressional spending or something, and they rally in their polyester and faded baseball caps with the names of public golf courses emblazoned on them.

The angry white person who votes is scary. The tea bagging neanderthals are scary, only because they are the dreaded single issue believer. The tea baggers spent the past few months frothing over taxes, new taxes, old taxes, wasteful spending (silent for the billions spent on iraq) and hating health care in any form.

Angry white people rallied. Badly dressed, almost surely illiterate - angry white people. They carry flags, they don't believe in debate, they love the unborn, but not in Muslim nations. The stupid, rabid fellow Americans do not like the debates in the senate. They do not like pussy wonk talk focused on taking away more freedoms. They want less government, and they want it now.

Voting in a republican in Massachusetts probably kills any meaningful healthcare reform. So what? The senate bill was a mess and would probably have had little real impact in the majority of Americans lives. That is who the voters are. The majority of Americans. Sure, these angry white people with the impulsive and self serving message get a lot of press, but in the end, the vast majority of Americans still want leadership. Democrats have control over everything and yet, nothing of substance seems to have emerged in the last year. Obama talks a good game and looks great in front of cameras, but he has not been able to rally his troops.

The democrats are killing themselves by not believing in their mandate. People wanted change and the democrats allowed idiotic maneuvering by the likes of Joe Leiberman to damage all hopes of real, progressive movement. No special funding for green energy, instead bailouts for old industry like cars and new financial instruments that are at best untested (derivatives) and at worst, run by the same corrupt and stupid bankers who almost brought down this nation. No, the democrats have spent a trillion dollars with little to show the average American, again the ones who actually vote.

Republicans could roll over this next election with wins all over the map. Why won't they? Because they have done nothing but be unpatriotic henchmen, trying to ruin all legislation that comes before them. There are not well meaning patriots. They are exactly what is wrong in our government, if you do not get your way (I'm talking to you Leiberman, Hatch, Bennett) you gum up the system so nothing gets done. These are the same brown suits who, if you questioned any policy or plan by the Bushies, you were called a communist or worse.

We have incompetents trying to lead the manipulative twits. Nothing can be done by slow witted greed pigs.

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