Hey, look here, New Jersey lawmakers, like some 14 states before them, want to legalize "medical marijuana". To that I say, dude.
First, let's be honest, there is no such thing as medical marijuana. It is the loophole that logic gets to jump through. Why? Because illegal pot is stupid. The people who oppose it are stupid.
Oh, wait, a childhood story, which is todays leit motif.
When I was much younger my father lectured me about the dangers of drug use. He was a smart and wise man and I paid attention. He was sitting in his favorite recliner, resting after a long days work. As he often did at times like these, he was enjoying a nice cold beer and smoking a menthol cigarette. It was his routine. So, there he sat, telling me how one thing led to another, that a puff here and a snort there would lead to an injection over there and some sort of lifeless repose in the near future. Another swig of beer and a deep inhaling of smoke and he continued.
Right about that time I realized something. One persons drug addiction is another persons good times. My father loved him some cigarettes and beer. As was the moral standing of his generation, if it was illegal, it was bad. He believed all the propaganda without ever thinking that maybe a little bit of something different from his daily addiction would be fun, a walk on the wild side.
As far as I know, he never took that walk. Years later, as my mother was ever so slowly dying of Alzheimers, I wanted more than anything to end some of her suffering with a well smoked joint. It made sense, her appetite was waning, she loved to smoke and I thought the pot might cut some of the anxiety that she was feeling. She never did get around to smoking that joint.
I have never felt the illegality of something necessarily made it bad. At one time or another some illegal drugs were legal and some of todays legal drugs were not. So it goes. Is pot worse than booze? Or smokes? Who cares? I believe that people should make these sorts of decisions for themselves. Smoke em if you got em.
So, this namby pamby legalization thing, making is "medically" legal is stupid. Why? Because I have a couple of friends in Los Angeles, pot smokers from way back, who are no legally smoking on a daily basis, because of some symptom they were able to perform in front of a doctor. Silly. They know it was silly, the doctor understands this, the pot dealers all understand it.
Marijuana is a major cash crop, but it is not regulated or taxed. Many things do not make sense to me, and this is one of them. In a smart country, we would admit that many people like to smoke pot, just like many people like to have a drink now and then. The drinkers have to pay taxes on their choice and so should the smokers. All the rules should be the same, you have to be of a certain age to buy your pot, if you are caught selling it to kids you should go to jail, if you smoke in a public place you should have to share, on and on.
Makes sense, yes? Of course it does, or it should, hard for me to say, because I am completely wasted on some of the finest medical marijuana money can buy.
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