Yesterday there was a shooting at a psychiatric facility here in the Pittsburgh area. I decided to check my local Craigslist board and see what sort of wisdom and reaction I would find. Here you go. Oh, these are all actual posts taken directly, with no corrections or editing. All posted under the title: “don’t blame the guns.”
“It is so sad that people died today as a result of a suicidal crazy man. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. “
“I know this place is full of liberal anti-gun people so post away. Just remember he could have just drove his car through a crowd of people on the sidewalk.
It is a good thing a good person there had a gun too-to stop him-dead.
Guns don't kill people. People Kill People. “
“You're a fucking idiot. The common factor in all the gun violence in this country is GUNS!”
“Really? And just how many guns have killed without the common factor of the HUMAN? Humans kill even without using guns, you are a true idiot.”
“Of course guns are used in 100% of gun violence.....if they used another item to commit the act, it would not be classifed as gun violence. Just like you could say black people are 100% responsible for black on black crime. No shit moron. The point he was trying to make was if the man would have used his truck to run down 20 people walking down the sidewalk, you wouldnt hear anyone calling for a ban on chevy trucks. Trucks dont kill people...people kill people.”
“The problem is guns and dumb people. Kind of like texting while driving. The problem was neither the smart phone, or the car, it is always the dumb person driving. Dumb people with guns are deadly. Dumb people with cars are deadly. This country has more guns than any other country, we love guns and we will fight to allow people to keep their guns. The real problem is we have way too many dumb people. Dumb people also have guns. Because we will never restrict guns and we will never restrict dumb people, we are fucked. Just like the law that makes it illegal to text while driving, you still see these idiots texting and swerving while driving. Of course we will soon read about another death because a dumb fuck was texting while driving. Blame the car? The phone? No, of course not.
There is no solution. Dumb people will always funk things up because they are dumb.
We should not ban guns or cars or smart phones or anything else. We should ban dumb people from breeding. IQ tests mandatory. If you are dumb, you get lifetime birth control. Sorry, you can fuck all you want, but no more children. You dumb people are fucking everything up.”
"Guns don't kill people but they sure make it easy for people to kill people. That's what they were designed for after all. "Ain't good for nothin but putting a man six feet in a hole"
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