Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kiss off

Personally I have never taken part in a public kissing thing. I have never even been invited. A bit of controversy in Paris when a bunch of the gays got together for a public kissing event. The first part of the video shows the kissing, the second has some people responding to the kissing.

First, when people are kissing, if you watch the video, it is hard to tell male from female and which gender is kissing which. Why is that cool? Because kissing, like sex, like love, like most everything, does not have a gender approval necessary to make is good. So, my gay brothers and sisters, kiss away.

Second, straight people, my straight brothers and sisters, give it a break. Who cares who kisses who? Personally, I hate to see obese people kiss, because it seems like one may be trying to eat the other. Do I ever respond to piggy people making out? No, well, sometimes I throw up a little in my mouth, but I never let it out.

Finally, who cares? Really, it's almost 2010, or something, can we just get over these things already? Gay people kiss, straight people kiss, people have sex, people do all sorts of things that I either find amazing or disgusting, and it does not matter. Kiss away, a lot.

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