Monday, July 26, 2010


Hello people who have pets that are walked in cities.

A couple of years ago I was living on a farm in upstate New York. The kids and I adopted an angry lesbian Australian Shepard who has come to accept our defects and actually seems to enjoy our company. While we lived on a farm, she basically had freedom like no dog should ever have. She could come and go as she liked, enjoy the cool waters of the large reservoir nearby and even order pizza is she felt like it. That last part is a lie, but she does like pizza.

I know she made dog poo somewhere on that farm, but where it was never seemed to be important to me. She was secretive about it and I was fine with that. Then we moved to a city and this dog that had acres of land to run and play in, was all of a sudden a house dog, a city dweller. When she went for a walk, we carried a plastic bag and when she pooped, we picked it up like some sort of golden nugget. We bring these precious bags back to our house and dispose of them in a humane fashion.

So, today, I was walking to the Apple Store and low and behold, a small back on someones stairs. Plastic bag. With dog poo in it. My mind whirled. Is this a protest? A hate crime? Did someone just drop it by accident? When I am carrying a bag of poo I know exactly where it is at all times, like a nuclear scientist handling a glowing rod of danger. No one could just lose a bag of poo.

So, I am thinking, someone went through the trouble of walking their dog, bringing a bag, bagging the poo and then? Then they just left it? Stranger things have happened, stranger things have captured my attention, but my question of the day is why? Why do it? Why pick up the poo if you are just going to drop it somewhere? Why not just let your dog poo wherever it feels is appropriate? Why leave it on my path to the Apple Store and not, say, near a Gap Store? Truth be told, there is a Gap Store near the Apple Store, but let's not change the subject.

So I say, to the poo person, please go that last step, from walking the dog, to picking up after the dog, to actually disposing of the bag, so those of us walking around on a beautiful day will not have to view a steaming bag of dog poo.

Thank you.

Well, unless that dog poo really is golden.

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