Monday, August 31, 2009


Ah, Seattle. I lived there long enough to cherish many aspects of the city, but if you want to know about the creative atmosphere of a city, look at this video.

Generally speaking, flashmobs are great. The come, the do something, they disappear. I am so far removed from hip and cool that I would have no clue how these things happen, but what I do know is when any sort of flashmob is choreographed and has its own Michael Jackson impersonator, it is boring by nature.

Which speaks volumes about the art scene in Seattle. I was never bowled over by any art generated in Seattle. I saw a lot and I just can not remember a single mind blowing experience.

Having spent the last few years traveling around the country and interviewing great artists in their studios I am often reminded that to create great art, you have to spend a lot of time working on creating great art. It does not just drop off your brush, it takes skill, time and devotion. What I saw in the Northwest was often sloppy, misguided and boring. This video is a perfect example of Seattle art, not great, now inspired, not original and completely forgettable.

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