Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Drug policy

I love drugs as much as the next guy, although I never drink, I have never smoked and I think prescription drugs are for pansies.

So, then, you ask, how does a person with little or no vices stand on the whole drug policy debate? I say legalize everything. I am deeply hateful for a government that can not bring itself to pass meaningful healthcare for its citizens, especially with the right wing blowhards talking about government intrusion into your private life, all the while regulating every aspect of drugs that millions end up doing anyway.

It is stupid. At a time when more and more people are finding the joys of a little marijuana to calm that stomach disorder, or help with nausea, the big bad federal government continues to live in a reefer madness mentality.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't our current president sell cocaine for a time? And didn't our former president do blow like it was cotton candy? So, the argument goes, if you do drugs you will end up being a loser, never amount to anything and probably spend years in jail. Two presidents part of a drug culture, another one smoked dope but never inhaled. For gods sake, are these elected politicians that stupid?

WHat was one of the first things FDR did when he took over the presidency in a time of economic collapse? Say it with me, he ended prohibition, not because it was the moral thing, or the wise thing, or a way to make money for the government. He did it because people were A - using it illegally anyway, B - wanted to be able to have a drink if they damn well felt like it.

So I ask you president Obama, and I know you have been sneaking in here and reading my blog, legalize it all, tax the hell out of it, pay for treatment and healthcare out of some of that new money and end the hypocritical idiocy.

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