I picked up my official passive aggressive press credential to cover the G-20 summit this week in Pittsburgh. If you have not been paying attention, it's this passive aggressive summit because the good people of the State Department and Secret Service are very strange in their communication abilities.
Some friends from traditional media outlets in New York City also applied for credentials months ago, as did I. A few weeks ago I got an email from the organizing committee telling me where to pick up my credential, but not bothering to mention whether or not I actually would have a credential. Better than that, the traditional media folks in New York City did not even get this email. Either way, I picked up the credential and checked for the good folks from the New York Times and they indeed will be credentialed.
Now, the goods news, it looks like Pittsburgh may actually get exciting during this weeks planned and unplanned protests. The worlds biggest economic leaders are on their way and the posters and planning is underway to disrupt the tea party. I will be posting live video from various protests and editing short films on the summit during the majority of the protests and meetings.
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