My daughter and I drove twice to West Virginia today for work, well work for me, hours of endless road for her. While driving I was listening to the radio and it is kind of fascinating to listen to radio reporting while driving in beautiful country.
Today there was a march on Washington DC by angry white people fed up with the black man in charge. I doubt that was the real reason, but it seems to me like it just has to be. After all, these "patriots" are out there in the street, complaining bitterly about big government, government waste, government fraud and government everything.
I certainly support protests. Heck a few years back my wild daughter and I marched in Seattle to protest the impending invasion of Iraq. That was back when even super gay Dan Savage was supporting the Iraq war, so it took a certain about of dogged pride on our part to step out in public and protest what we believed back then was an ill thought out attempt for an idiot president to make up for his daddies short comings.
Our protest had no impact on the decision to invade Iraq.
The angry white people protesting in Washington DC seem to be hell bent on bringing down this socialist president we elected 11 months ago. There are a few things I never get about these angry white people. First, why so angry? Second, where was your outrage when Haliburton was getting billion dollar no bid contracts? Or a Medicare plan to pay for elderly peoples drugs promised to bankrupt the Medicare system? Or, for the love of god, we got lied into a useless and deadly war? Where were the angry white people then?
Possibly at abortion clinics. The last time I have seen this many angry white people, it was in front of an abortion clinic. Mostly male, mostly fat and slow and mostly white. Same people, different signs, well most of them, some of the images from todays rally showed the anti-abortion crazies as well.
I fight the urge to become cynical on almost a daily basis. Cynicism is for sissies. But what really makes me wonder about the angry white people is this, why don't they love their country? Abortion is legal, so why do they want to take away a woman's right to choose? And why are the anti-abortion protesters almost always angry white men?
The rally in DC, again, the angry white men who seemingly hate our president. That's OK, generally speaking half the country always hates the president. But when I was marching with my young daughter many years ago against a bad idea for going to war, it was not angry people, it seemed like it was mostly serious people who disagreed with the president. The people today not only seemed viciously angry, but if you put a robe and hood on most of these people, I am sure there would have generally been a high level of comfort in their summer wear.
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