Friday, September 11, 2009

Prissy queens

In an attempt to rebuild my own economy, I often take one day film jobs that sometimes put me in unfortunate positions. Today was one of those. All names, if it mattered, were changed.

The shoot was set for 11 this morning. I was hired to film an interview with an expert in some sort of electronic investing. I set up camera, lights and microphones at about 10, because I like to have everything in place, so when things come together, my job is all set to go.

At a little before 11 the interviewer showed up, we talked, and then he said that the interviewee was often late, it was his style. About 15 minutes later this, oh my, how do I describe this mess, this short, overweight little man strides into the room with purpose. He was wearing a simple beige suit, with the pants pulled up to hide his large belly, a nice tie pulled tight against his next fat and his hair dyed an off color of purple.

He sat down and immediately I felt uneasy. He smiled some sort of knowing grin and my stomach began to turn. Everyone got the mics on and the camera was rolling and for 3 hours this windbag was boring and ebullient. He was so proud of his knowledge that it made me want to punch him. After an hour I needed to change tapes, so hair color queen bee went to get some water and the interviewer looked at me and said, "never trust a man who dyes his hair."

Those my friends are words to live by. Mr. Talk-a-lot went on for the full three hours, at times describing in lurid detail his education, his accomplishments (as they were) and his ability to understand complex issues without getting to "intellectual".

The interviewer got a call and decided he had enough of the interview, so after 3 hours we were done. I am not sure why I found this person so hideous. It may be that people who talk a lot, but have little to say, make me uneasy. It was also the way he spoke, in that fake holier than thou super intelligent sort of way that usually means the person is kind of neurotic about their education. It could also have been the hair color. Purple hardly ever looks right on anyone, yet alone a man fast approaching 60.

So, todays lesson? Never trust a man who dyes his hair. Enough said.

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