Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More stupid white people

I like stupid people as much as the next guy, I do. But this healthcare "debate" has brought out the knuckle draggers and the right wing zombies like no movement I have ever seen before. It's almost as if they are proud to be stupid. You know, their argument is that they do not want socialism to take over our country, and that may be OK, I am not sure. What I find amazing is that most of the mouth breathers were probably educated in public schools, and not very well educated at that. So the argument they should be making should sound like this, "I was edumacated at a public school, paid for by everyones taxes and look at me, I am stupid as rocks and I can't think for myself and I fall for every fear based argument and Hitler and Muslins and death councils and Glenn Beck and I watch TV and I am worried and Obama was born in Kenya and he is black and I am worried and terrorism...."

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