Everything that is wrong in the world can be blamed on the idiocy, immaturity and lack of a moral compass of the baby boomer generation. It's true and if you give it just a little thought, you will see it is an absolute.
This is a generation that has led a demographic tracking like no other. As babies, their parents discovered the disposable diaper, making having lots of babies easy and filling landfills for a trillion years. As they grew they became the dangerous sheep that would burn the earth, create billions in fake wealth and demand more and more government kickbacks all the while demanding lower taxes. These idiots never had to grow up and to this day they refuse to even give it a second thought.
This is a generation that has purchased the most gas guzzling vehicles imaginable. This is a generation that grew up reading the warning on cigarette packages and continued to smoke. This is a group of people who followed hippies, looking for love and leaders and once that flawed flock failed, they quickly ran to the likes of daddy figures like Ronald Reagan to give them answers, allow them to continue to violate all sorts of rules of nature and feel safe in their McMansions.
This is a generation that uses plastic surgery and other sorcery to try and remain young and vibrant. They have no shame in either attire or style. They are a sad and vicious group of under achievers who sadly believe their own press. They may be the offspring of the greatest generation, but they have proven time and again to be users and useless.
This is a generation that rules the government like no other. For many years their retarded voting habits have made a mockery of the democratic system. One year they vote in a gaggle of right wing nutballs, the next, an equal number of looney left wing crazies. You want to know why the government has not really accomplished anything of substance since 1965? Blame the boomers. You want to know why the current healthcare debate will fail miserably? It is the insane rantings and neediness of these aging losers. They all want medicare, they just detest the idea of paying for it, which has been their leit motif since day one. This is a generation that has been given everything and has produced nothing.
I had an idea many years ago and it is an even more important concept now. If we really want a just society, we must allow parents of children under the age of 18 to have a vote for every one of those children. At 18 you can vote for yourself and even form a lobbying group to get your ideas heard. Before that you are nothing. But those over 18, especially the greedy and misguided boomers have always had a voice and have forever taken advantage of it. It is way past time to tell them to shut up. Their dangerous neediness will bankrupt the country and probably ruin the environment for everyone who survives them famine inducing ways. The only way to get balance is to take away their screaming voices and allow younger generations who still hope to have a future to shit these idiots out.
A vote for any child under 18 would drastically change the focus of the government. A whole series of policy decisions would focus not just on the environment, but on healthcare for everyone, not just the aged. It is insane that there is a program that offers free or low cost care for the people who are so close to death, but deny it to the workers, the youngsters and the people who will be paying the debts of the deadbeat boomers forever.
You take away the boomer ability to get the ear of congress, you will change the way this country is focused. I am not suggesting that boomers not be allowed to vote, although judging from the haphazard and uneducated way to already vote it would not be a bad idea, I am just suggesting that new voices and the voices of the future should have more weight, or some weight.
The boomer generation has done just about everything to fuck up this country and for the most part they have succeeded. It is time to shut them down or at least shut them out.
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