So I was at a job today, setting up my super video camera and this woman begins to chat with me. Almost immediately she tells me that she hopes the traffic won't be so bad today, she had to drive across the city to attend a funeral. Quickly she told me about a woman who at 28 was a mother of two young children, married to a swell guy, diagnosed with brain cancer a month ago and now dead.
It turns out the woman telling me this unfortunate story was deeply religious, or is, deeply religious. She told me that god had more important things for her to do, so he called her home. First, I immediately thought how happy I am that I screen my calls, because if god wants to call me, he will have to leave a message. Then I thought about the children.
Now I know its fashionable to always bring up the children when seeking sympathy or money, but in this case I felt bad for the young children growing up without a mother. Now, my children basically grew up without a mother, but they had me, and I spent way too much time with them, parks, games, crayons, school - I was there. This mother, called to Jesus too early, has left behind two young children and a husband who probably has no clue on raising babies and dating. Lucky for him he belongs to a church, I learned that from the woman sharing too much information.
I am not sure when it's a good time for a parent to die, but I am guessing that kids under the age of 13 are too young to have to deal with the pain and loss. If there is a god who calls people to his palace I really have to wonder what sort of motivations he has. Children change peoples lives, at least the ones open to the change, and to remove a parent from a small child seems like the opposite of what god would be doing.
There are many things in life I just don't get, one is falling prey to the allure of an unknown super powerful all forgiving god thing, hanging out somewhere in the pretty sky, doing all sorts of nice things and sometimes taking people home with him to share tea and stories with. I life fantasy as much as most people, maybe more than most people, but the who god business just seems to stupid to me. When people talk about their god taking someone home, it makes me think of how god should act. You know the crazy idiot who killed four police officers in Seattle this past week? Why didn't god call that loser home a few weeks ago, before he started raping children and killing innocent police? No, god was too busy making sure the brain cancer would kill the mother of two babies.
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