2010 will be the year of the big turnaround. That's what the experts are saying. Why? A number of reasons, but lets cut to the end, because one thing always trumps economists and experts and it's politics. This is an election year and the democrats have a majority in congress, the senate and some say the White House.
My guess is that the lame and timid "leaders" will pull something out of their hat to make the voters think that they are actual leaders at work. What will it be? More stimulus money? Another vote buying scheme like cashing in clunkers? A new war? The list is indeed endless, but if the dems want to get reelected, they had best do better that then lame healthcare reform and the even lamer new regulations on the financial industry.
In fact, in these leaderless and spineless dems wanted advice from me, and I have yet to get a call, I would tell them to dump Harry Reid and remind him he is about to lose his senate seat. Then I would silence the prancing of Barney Frank, because he is the symbol of everything wrong with congress, all bluster, no content. Sometimes the loudest message is the one no one hears, that is ACT. Do something, spend federal money to develop the largest wind power farm in the world, cover Arizona with solar panels, something that is future leaning that we can all see. FDR was smart, he spent money he did not have to build huge hydroelectric dams, not just because he liked saying hydroelectric, but because it did many things with the same money being spent. It hired people who desperately needed work (familiar?) is supplied necessary energy to people who needed it, it made sense in a chaotic time.
Simple things that offer hope and serve a purpose will always get positive attention. The healthcare debate became controlled by senators who seemed only focused on their own dinner table conversations. Hate abortion? Add it to the bill. Hate yourself, stall and hope the electorate in Connecticut will forget when the next election rolls around. Obama has done nothing better, he is neither the leader he appeared to be, or the wisest man to have slept in the White House. Still, he seems nice enough to get reelected in 2012 as long as the republicans continue to be purchased by the nuttier of the right wing.
There is an election in 2010 and both parties seem unwilling or unable to come up with constructive plans to make this once great nation great again. We spent 8 years spending money we did not have on wars we did not need. Obama seemed to want to change that, but instead he is George Bush with a different skin color and better language skills.
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