Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cash payment

My good friend Leo the Toe Breaker was telling me a funny story about people who don't always like to pay for the stuff they use, and then I started thinking, there are literally thousands of people who read this blog and maybe 10 have clicked on the "donate" button.

Now for years Leo the Toe Breaker has just been a friend who helps me when I am going through a bad breakup, or dealing with people who crash my car they borrowed and then find it unnecessary that they pay for the damages, using the fun phrase-"you should't have lent it to me in the first place."

Thanks Leo.

So, I'm not making a threat or anything, but if you just use your little mouse thing and roll down this page you will see a "donate" sign and pretty much anyone can click on that and pay whatever they want to hang out, be entertained and sometimes, rarely, get some sort of profound thing of some sort.

Yeah, Leo just said, "be a good idea to check out that donate thing."

See what I mean?

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