Well, my favorite interview avoiding economist has hit the nail on the head, again. Paul Krugman, he of the almost bankrupt New York Times, rails against the republican party being taken over by the far right, tea bagging crazies. He basically calls the party on its real leadership, the Palin, Beck, Limbaugh threesome of everyones nightmares.
It is the party of fear, paranoia and idiots. Like this is news, right? Krugman points out the obvious, that while the KKKristians of the country have always hated progress, blacks and most comedy, they rarely have a say in anything of substance. Think about it, every republican running for president in the last 40 years has included on their platform, a plan to outlaw abortions. There have been a slew of republicans elected president in that time and none have done a damn thing about it.
Now though, it looks like the real crazy right wingers ARE actually making their lilly white voices heard and after getting completely cornholed in the last election, the republican party will do just about anything to have friends.
I have often noted that it seems like the same older white pasty men who protest at abortion clinics are the same guys who carry the God Hates Fags placards outside of funerals for soldiers. I never paid them much attention because they reminded me of the other crazies, the ones I would see in New York City, walking around, talking to themselves, screaming at no one in particular and just flat out insane. Has anyone ever seen a hot woman at an anti-abortion rally? Or a black person? Think about it.
Krugman links the republican crazies to a dangerous possibility for the country, that these know nothing wingers will elect some of their own, who, while having no real power in congress, will find ways to gum up the system and cause a complete breakdown in our system of government. Maybe Dr. Krugman doesn't have a TV at his palatial estate in Princeton, but he may want to find someone to show him how the Google thing works and check out the "debate" over healthcare. Republicans bitched and moaned and did everything they could to bring any debate to an end. It was like watching children, loud, polyester, spray tanned children.
One of the things I like about the New York Times is the comment section, because quite honestly, you have to be able to read to like the Times and that usually means you are able to understand concepts and quite naturally, you then can write informed comments. After reading Krugmans column I clicked the link to comments and this was the first one up:
"NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! But, Professor Krugman, I have more faith in our young people and their voting intelligence than perhaps you do! The really crazy right-wing whackjobs I see (wielding Obama-as-Hitler signs and yelling about Government taking away their healthcare) are mostly middle-aged, beer-bellied, depressed looking losers! I have looked closely, and notice only a few young people--mostly with older people, presumably parents!
I think the "tea-party" types are, in the main, a bunch of not-so-bright, easily manipulated folks who are in a snit about all of the terrible things happening in our country about which we are all in a snit! They just have a more obnoxious way of expressing it--and follow psychopathic "leaders" and corporate lobbyists who enable them! And, let's face it, there is more than a little RACISM involved here!!!!
Call me a cockeyed optimist, but I think the Democrats will win big in the 2010 elections--and hopefully there will be more progressives among them! What I am worried about now, even more than the likelihood of a watered down healthcare bill, is the probablity that Obama will send many, many more troops to the wasteland of Afghanistan--and we will be pouring more money and lives down the BLACKHOLE OF WAR!!!! This scares and saddens me beyond belief!!!"
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