Anyone paying attention can sense there are somethings things in the air here in America. Part of it is the economy refuses to get chugging, part of it we remain at war and no one seems able to justify any of them anymore. There is also that fat America attitude that all should be well because we are slow and getting stupid, but still, it's the way it always has been.
Except it's not. We were not always proud just for the fact we were Americans, we were proud of what we had accomplished in a relatively short time. We were proud because we led the world on so many fronts, from trains to technology, if it was going to used in an amazing way, Americans were probably going to show the world how it was done.
And then we started to psychoanalyze everything thing we did. We started to numb great numbers of thinking, productive people with drugs that slow down thinking and get rid of passionate choice. We became boring and fat.
Rest easy, because the giant militia we all worried about when that white idiot blew up the building in Oklahoma City is back and guess what? They hate negroes. Check this out:
"As for you, why… you’ll be shocked because you didn’t see it coming. And eventually you’ll be saddened when you see that we have truly lost the way of life with which you grew up. You’ll be saddened that your children and grandchildren live in a socialist, government-controlled gulag where their every movement from cradle to grave is tracked by the government. But most of all, you’ll be saddened by the death of friends and relatives who are brave enough to fight and die for something they believe in.
You know, McCain wasn’t much of a candidate. I’ll give you that. He was the lesser of two evils for most of us. I don’t blame you for not voting for him since, at the time, you didn’t know what we all know now. But at least John McCain was an American."
That is from an anti-Obama website called The Betrayal.
Again, it seems like this is the last gasp from the aging right wing, realizing their country is falling apart, they want to blame everyone from the gays to liberals to people dumb enough to elect Obama. Again, I am going to guess these are the same badly dressed white people who protest at abortion clinics and have, of late, been causing trouble at congressional town hall meetings. These people do passionately believe in freedom of speech they will yell just loud enough to drown out other options.
The older white undereducated masses are not a majority, even in the republican party. My sense is that these are the dimwits who are seeing change in the country and only envisioning someone foreclosing on their trailer. What happens when you are a squeaky wheel is you do get a lot of attention, but only once, maybe twice.
Threaten a revolution though, and that may get some people to look you over. What I don't understand is this. When President Bush was about to send innocent soldiers to do his dirty work in Iraq and millions of people protested in most major cities, the media seemed to write these protests off as stupid hippies, too high to understand the impending threat from Saddam. Did the stoned hippies threaten to start a revolution? No, they protested, and made cut masks and danced in the street in that weird whirly Grateful Dead style that still makes me kind of ill when I think about it. But they did not threaten to kill anyone.
When the right wingers threaten to kill and maim to return America back to a time, one that I have never witnessed, they not only have a voice and demand attention, but something in my soul says they may be serious. A lot has changed for the right wing nutcases, first, they are as far from real power as I have ever seen them. Second, no one with a functioning brain takes them seriously and third, they have a shit load of weapons.
What should be done about these hicks? Nothing really, because you can't get to worked up over words and second, this is America, we react quite well, but don't like planning ahead. If 9-11 showed us anything it is this, after a bunch of terrorists walk through the airport with razor blades, what we really need to do is frisk old ladies and throw out bottles of water.
If inbred angry white people want to revolt, we should wait till they are marching on the capitol with guns drawn and meth fueled insanity.
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