Friday, November 20, 2009

Highs and lows

A new report finds more people are falling behind on the mortgages and more and more and falling into foreclosure. How can this be since the recession is over? Because it's not.


The problem with government people who read financial reports is that they often have their own motivations to weed through. If the people at the Fed continued to report on a daily basis how bad it actually is out in the country side, people would panic and go back to saving money, instead of spending wildly on things they just don't need.

What is remarkable is how easily the business reporting class accepts the reports from the Fed and the other reporting agencies in the government. Sure, Goldman Sachs is making money and paying obscene bonuses to the idiots who almost caused the worst depression in history, but how is the downtown core of merchants? How are small banks doing? How about new business? I can answer all those questions, small business is suffering, small banks are failing at record numbers and new business is not being developed.

The sad part of this is Sarah Palin. This airhead Barbie is storming the country, talking to anyone with a microphone and reminding the people who blindly support stupidity that they have a new leader and insulting those who think that adults should make adult type decisions, not morons with scripted, meaningless catch phrases. Lower taxes? Sure, why not, will a gajillion dollar deficit. Cut the welfare programs? Genius, especially since so many people need them right now. Anti-abortion? Of course, because everyone knows that women get abortions because they build self esteem.

What Palin accomplishes is the ability for the news media to report on her every movement and stop covering that depressing old economy. Sure, more and more houses are being foreclosed and sold in short sales, more people are unemployed, or my favorite, under employed. But hey, Sarah is speaking at a Wal-Mart in Michigan.

There are never going to be easy answers, although I did see a recent blog post where the author thought it might be time for IQ tests for everything from driving to voting, and that is a thought I sometimes say to my friends, who always agree and quickly say it sounds like something Hitler would think of. I hate when Hitler is always used to shut people up. Hitler ruined everything.

I wonder what Adolph would think of Sarah P. I am sure he would admire her cult of plastic personality. The rabid crowds, the mindless support, the lack of understanding anything of depth and her ability, as a multi-millionare "author" to connect with the under educated and poor. I wonder if Sarah would support an IQ test for voting.

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