I know it's always fashionable to hate lawyers, but yesterday I again witnessed the wonderful atmosphere of a room filled with well dressed lawyers doing what lawyers do.
You know what I like best? They are respectful and smart. They also are well dressed. You spend a day in a room filled with lawyers in nice suits, then you walk outside and the obese smokers cluttering the sidewalks sure does make you wonder. Why can't people smoking ever dress just a little better? Is there a link between smoking and choice of attire?
Anyway, while I dislike the concept of lawyering up, I also know how necessary it is. Imagine if there were no lawyers when you drink just a tad little too much before testing out the car to see what maximum speed it is capable of? Or getting unmarried and needing someone who has proven themselves to be untrustworthy? Lawyers come in handy, plus they generally dress a lot nicer than you and me.
Why judge on dress codes? Mostly because we are quickly becoming a society of white trash nut cases. Need proof, stop reading and walk into any Wal-Mart. I had never been in a Wal-Mart for many years, until I moved to New York a few years ago and the only local store was a Wal-Mart. My lord those people were the worst. Fat, ugly, unhealthy, loud and disgusting examples of what happens when you feed people bad TV and a diet of garbage. I thought it was just that singular Wal-Mart. I was wrong.
There is something to be said for civility, nice clothes, the ability to speak coherently, the general idea that people should speak and listen and be gentle to one another, even where disagree. Try that in a general setting almost anywhere in America. If the empire is failing I blame Wal-Mart and the generation of fat slobs it supports with cheap crap and pre-packaged food.
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