If you are in a coma you may have missed the non-stop coverage of Sarah Palin and her "book" over the past few weeks. She has been everywhere, and generally speaking, as impressive as a wet paper bag. I have met a few Sarah Palin's in my life, beautiful, fun, energetic and stupid.
I have no issue with stupid people since they are obviously the ruling majority in America at this point. These are the same idiots who do not support a public healthcare system, although it would save everyone money, it would bring a health wave to the entire country and it would remove profit motives from long term health. These are probably the same people who vote for tax cuts and then cry about the shape of the roads, bridges and power grid. There is something about greed that removes peoples reasoning abilities.
What I like about the Palin followers is that they are hitching their wagons on a seriously defective candidate, on non-candidate if you believe her press. What I do not understand is the inability to strive for better, It is a given that Sarah is a hotty and she spouts platitudes with the best of them, but when questioned, she is an idiot.
She has become the leader of the Tea Bag nutjobs, which is fine, these people are just angry and stupid. They would have voted for any republican candidate no matter what his/her real agenda was. I am certain the majority of these blundering fools would have been angry with any democrat, but my guess is that a black president has just put them over the edge. I am sure in the past these hate filled illiterates sat at home and complained about their petty circumstances, but with a black president, they have banded together and want real change, like more white people in the white house, stuff like that.
They talk openly about a revolt and they get serious press as if this is an option. First, does anyone really want stupid people to again be in charge? The past few presidencies have been over taken with dumb white men, from the Alzheimers presidency to the cowboy with no brain power, we the people have seen it before. They build their dynasties on debt and broken promises and then when adults get elected, instead of a progressive agenda, they have to find ways to steer the country back to basic prosperity.
Obama is no different. He inherited the worst economy in decades, two winless wars and a country in need of a slap in the face. He is incapable of doing much of his real agenda and healthcare will be a disaster because of the spineless wimps in the senate. So, my question to the progressives, why are you not talking about a revolt? Why not get rid of these fat old white men (and women) who sit in the senate and kill anything that offers real change and real hope to the average American? Unlike the tea bagging bozos, progressives could lead a gunless revolt, done in the voting both, cutting lose the likes of Leiberman and the other middle of the roaders who sole goal seems to be to actually accomplish nothing.
It is not enough to vote them out, it may actually be time to vote in people who actually want to vote for a change that will bring the country equality. The country is run now by big monied pimps and the senate is filled with their whores. The tea baggers want to bring violent change to get rid of a black president, with no long term goal except to change the tax policies to allow the very super rich to pay less. If a candidate actually ran on the concept that there are government programs that bring civility to life, like Medicare, and a possibility to bring such a program to everyone, that would be an interesting candidate, Instead, we always have the middle manager losers who want nothing more than to keep the status quo at quo.
Everyone knows that stupid people and teabaggers are angry - and loud about it. But what's setting of *real* people?