What to make of the dear sweet people of Arizona? I am all for deporting illegal aliens, I think we all are, I just don't think they are doing enough.
This just out, from some rally of some sort in California.
"Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) wants to start deporting American citizens. Not all American citizens, mind you. Just the natural-born American citizens that are the children of illegal immigrants.
At a tea party rally in Ramona in San Diego County over the weekend, Hunter fielded a question about the issue. "Would you support deportation of natural born American citizens that are the children of illegal aliens?" a man in the audience asked. "I would have to, yes," Hunter said."
Hmmm, the legal citizens of illegal aliens, deportable all of a sudden. Which gives me a great idea, one that I am certain to forward to my new best friend, Duncan Hunter, congressman and hero.
Dear Duncan Hunter, hero-
I have an idea. Lets deport all the children of illegal aliens, pronto. Wait, is pronto an American word? Quickly, deport those bastards quickly. Now, if you can not spot the illegals among us, I have some pointers. First, ask them, what is your mommys name, or something like that. If the child says Lupe, trust me Duncan, illegal written all over that deportation letter.
But Duncan, I do not think deporting the children of illegals will be enough. Americans are tired of the illegals taking our jobs, even the jobs we don't want. Here is my idea, deport ALL illegal immigrants. Now, this is going to be a little more expensive, but trust me, the country will forever be indebted to you for this. Now, first thing is get a list of all the people who came over on the Mayflower. Those bastards hit the shores with no documentation, no passports and they certainly we not Americans when the landed on our shores and tried to speak our language. It will not be hard to find the illegals, they always are bragging about their ancestors, damn them. So, Duncan, I am behind you a katrillion percent on this one, we start with the Mayflower illegals and work our way up.
We'll get to the Mexicans, but first those tards from Engalnd. Oh, and Duncan, one more thing, the African slaves? Totally illegal immigrants, might want to work on them too. Best to wait till the NBA playoffs are over, but do what you must.
Remember the Chinese who build the first railroad line? All illegals. Sure, they may have been promised citizenship, but that was a long time ago.
Go get 'em Duncan, all of them. Pretty soon, it will just be us real Americans left.
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