Monday, May 31, 2010
Dear BP

My friends at BP, I would like to offer my assistance in regards to your recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
First, before I solve your problem, I want to send a big giant fuck you to all you moronic dipshits.
Glad we got that out of the way.
Now, to solve your issues, there are two very good options.
First, option one, stop with the old methods that have never worked., We are talking about a leaking pipe about a mile under water. Now, why don't you find a bath tub for this little experiment. Fill the tub with all the water it can hold. Plug the drain with the tubs drain. Once the tub is filled with water, remove the plug and watch how it drains. Now, imagine the pipe under the drain is the pipe leaking oil in the Gulf. If you wanted to plug that drain, why not dump some socks, dirt, rocks, records, anything that will block it. But to make sure it is blocked, keep stuffing things into the drain. At first you will just slow the tub from draining, but the more junk you put in the drain, the slow it gets.
So, option one, drop rocks and sand, and dirt and anything else you can right on top of the leaking pipe. Build a mountain on top of the leaking pipe. A huge mountain of large rocks, smaller rocks, small rocks, sand, dirt and thick chunks of clay. Make it impossible for the oil to find a place to escape to.
My sense is, a week of building a huge mountain on top of your leaking pipe should do the trick. You are welcome.
Oh, yes, I have a second option.
Hire sponge Bob, he is, after all, a fucking sponge and will do a shit load better job than ANY of the idiotic ideas you have already tried.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
(Stepping up to the podium, the crowd applauds)
Thank you. (Pause for cheers) Thank you. (look around, confidently).
You know, just a few months ago I was just a regular American, working hard for my money, paying my bills, or at least most of my bills, on time. When we found out that our house was over 100 thousand dollars under water, we walked away. What a mess. I want to thank my loving family. My loving mistress, but she and I exist in an almost completely sexual way. More on that later.
Thank you for coming, it is an honor to speak to you tonight. When the leaders of the tea party called me and asked if I might be willing to run for congress in the 6th district, I was shocked at first. See, I love this country, I do. Those are not words from my mouth, but honest to god feelings. (hold for applause).
Thank you. (smile broadly, do not forget to smile!) (wave, or acknowledge someone in the first few rows)
To the tea party, I say it will be an honor to fight for the 6th district, to win for the 6th district, to lead from the 6th district. (hold for applause).
I accept the challenge. This is a new party, this is going to be a new America. I have never run for office before in my life, I will bring the change others promise. (wait for applause). There is nothing I want to do more than lead and fight and do whatever it takes to rein in control of the spending and earmarks in congress. That's right, when I take office, the first thing I will do is remove any earmarks in spending bills that still happen to be on the floor. No more wasteful money will be coming to the 6th district if I get my way. (hold for applause).
I have never been a candidate for office before in my life. I promise to be a different sort of candidate, a man that you know where I stand, where I plan to lead and the dark skeletons that hang in my closet. Nothing has brought more shame to the current congress than the outrageous hypocrisies that are unearthed almost on a daily basis. How can you trust a leader who hates gays in laws and speeches, but engages in homosexual behavior in public bathrooms? (wait for applause)
Let's have some integrity when we meet the candidates who are running for office. (Applause). (nod to someone on your right, smile, wave). With that in mind, you will not have to worry about the Times Intelligencer finding out I have a penchant for Rentboys while I tour France. My lord, I have a penchant for rentboys when I am here in the states as well. (hold for shocked reaction, then a spattering of applause and knowing smiles). (wave to someone, make a pretend gun with your hand and fire off some heartfelt admiration to someone.)
My wife is not a swinger, but she does love to smoke pot. Her lack of swinging has not slowed me down one bit. We have what you might call a don't ask, don't worry about it relationship, (hold for applause?)
I remember when I was a child and we would stand and do the pledge of allegiance. Now, I understand the Supreme Court has ruled that if a teacher wants to lead the class in the pledge, the teacher must recite it in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Kurd, then in English. Most schools have just stopped doing the pledge, and my fellow Americans, that is shameful.
In college I was convicted of minor theft. A class c felony. I think it was expunged from my record, but just in case, there it is, I got busted for stealing a couch. And a TV. And borrowing a car. Seriously, he said I stole it, but we were frat brothers, the keys were on the table, it was an unwritten rule. A few years after that, I got a DWI and spent 15 days locked up. Met a nice man in jail, not sure what happened to him though, it's been a few years. (stunned silence).
See, I am a different type of candidate. You want to know where I stand on an issue, ask. Wars? I hate 'em. Global warming? Prove it. Abortion? Only sometimes.
I want to make it clear, this country is in trouble. We can no longer afford the Washington DC spending spree. We have to stop spending and start saving. (hold for applause). Last year alone I spent 3500 dollars on prostitutes, so I know wasteful spending.
It's getting close to time to end those wars. We will need to bring our soldiers home. They deserve better. (hold for applause). It's time, as a country, that we put our fists in the air and scream, "screw you terrorists, you want some of this?" (hold for loud applause).
The president, god love him, he does know the English language. But Mr. President, stop worry about whether your gay friends can sanctify their unholy lifestyle in a church and start worrying about spending. I will keep it simple Harvard, spending bad, cutting useless programs, good. (applause).
I think we need less government involvement in our lives. (hold for applause). To be honest, I built a swimming pool in my backyard, not a single permit. My son wired the garage for power, tying into the neighbors electricity so he could set up grow lights in the garage. Brilliant, and it is smart thinking like that that will make this once great empire sparkle again. (applause).
Tea baggers, I applaud you. (applaud to the crowd). Thank you, together I think we can win this, and if nothing else, we can run a campaign built on planning for the future that is already almost here. We can elect a leader who does not hide from his foibles, he honestly embraces them and acknowledges them. With that in mind, two years ago I killed my accountant. (hold for silence).
Lades and gentlemen, husbands and fathers, sports fans and obese Wal-Mart shoppers, I accept this nomination, I am honored with this nomination, I welcome the opportunity to represent tea baggers and those who love tea baggers as we fight together to take back our country. (hold for loving applause, smile, wave).
Thank you. (hold arms in the air, victory is ours) I have not paid taxes in 14 years.
Thank you and god love you and god love, or god bless, yes, god bless America.
Thank you. (Pause for cheers) Thank you. (look around, confidently).
You know, just a few months ago I was just a regular American, working hard for my money, paying my bills, or at least most of my bills, on time. When we found out that our house was over 100 thousand dollars under water, we walked away. What a mess. I want to thank my loving family. My loving mistress, but she and I exist in an almost completely sexual way. More on that later.
Thank you for coming, it is an honor to speak to you tonight. When the leaders of the tea party called me and asked if I might be willing to run for congress in the 6th district, I was shocked at first. See, I love this country, I do. Those are not words from my mouth, but honest to god feelings. (hold for applause).
Thank you. (smile broadly, do not forget to smile!) (wave, or acknowledge someone in the first few rows)
To the tea party, I say it will be an honor to fight for the 6th district, to win for the 6th district, to lead from the 6th district. (hold for applause).
I accept the challenge. This is a new party, this is going to be a new America. I have never run for office before in my life, I will bring the change others promise. (wait for applause). There is nothing I want to do more than lead and fight and do whatever it takes to rein in control of the spending and earmarks in congress. That's right, when I take office, the first thing I will do is remove any earmarks in spending bills that still happen to be on the floor. No more wasteful money will be coming to the 6th district if I get my way. (hold for applause).
I have never been a candidate for office before in my life. I promise to be a different sort of candidate, a man that you know where I stand, where I plan to lead and the dark skeletons that hang in my closet. Nothing has brought more shame to the current congress than the outrageous hypocrisies that are unearthed almost on a daily basis. How can you trust a leader who hates gays in laws and speeches, but engages in homosexual behavior in public bathrooms? (wait for applause)
Let's have some integrity when we meet the candidates who are running for office. (Applause). (nod to someone on your right, smile, wave). With that in mind, you will not have to worry about the Times Intelligencer finding out I have a penchant for Rentboys while I tour France. My lord, I have a penchant for rentboys when I am here in the states as well. (hold for shocked reaction, then a spattering of applause and knowing smiles). (wave to someone, make a pretend gun with your hand and fire off some heartfelt admiration to someone.)
My wife is not a swinger, but she does love to smoke pot. Her lack of swinging has not slowed me down one bit. We have what you might call a don't ask, don't worry about it relationship, (hold for applause?)
I remember when I was a child and we would stand and do the pledge of allegiance. Now, I understand the Supreme Court has ruled that if a teacher wants to lead the class in the pledge, the teacher must recite it in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Kurd, then in English. Most schools have just stopped doing the pledge, and my fellow Americans, that is shameful.
In college I was convicted of minor theft. A class c felony. I think it was expunged from my record, but just in case, there it is, I got busted for stealing a couch. And a TV. And borrowing a car. Seriously, he said I stole it, but we were frat brothers, the keys were on the table, it was an unwritten rule. A few years after that, I got a DWI and spent 15 days locked up. Met a nice man in jail, not sure what happened to him though, it's been a few years. (stunned silence).
See, I am a different type of candidate. You want to know where I stand on an issue, ask. Wars? I hate 'em. Global warming? Prove it. Abortion? Only sometimes.
I want to make it clear, this country is in trouble. We can no longer afford the Washington DC spending spree. We have to stop spending and start saving. (hold for applause). Last year alone I spent 3500 dollars on prostitutes, so I know wasteful spending.
It's getting close to time to end those wars. We will need to bring our soldiers home. They deserve better. (hold for applause). It's time, as a country, that we put our fists in the air and scream, "screw you terrorists, you want some of this?" (hold for loud applause).
The president, god love him, he does know the English language. But Mr. President, stop worry about whether your gay friends can sanctify their unholy lifestyle in a church and start worrying about spending. I will keep it simple Harvard, spending bad, cutting useless programs, good. (applause).
I think we need less government involvement in our lives. (hold for applause). To be honest, I built a swimming pool in my backyard, not a single permit. My son wired the garage for power, tying into the neighbors electricity so he could set up grow lights in the garage. Brilliant, and it is smart thinking like that that will make this once great empire sparkle again. (applause).
Tea baggers, I applaud you. (applaud to the crowd). Thank you, together I think we can win this, and if nothing else, we can run a campaign built on planning for the future that is already almost here. We can elect a leader who does not hide from his foibles, he honestly embraces them and acknowledges them. With that in mind, two years ago I killed my accountant. (hold for silence).
Lades and gentlemen, husbands and fathers, sports fans and obese Wal-Mart shoppers, I accept this nomination, I am honored with this nomination, I welcome the opportunity to represent tea baggers and those who love tea baggers as we fight together to take back our country. (hold for loving applause, smile, wave).
Thank you. (hold arms in the air, victory is ours) I have not paid taxes in 14 years.
Thank you and god love you and god love, or god bless, yes, god bless America.
It was not that long ago that I would use the word trillion as some sort of make believe number that no one could possibly imagine. How far away was the moon? A trillion miles. What was the possibility of me sleeping with Julia Roberts? A trillion to one. On and on it could go, trillion being so hard to imagine that it was an ongoing joke of some sort.
How much has the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost? A little over a trillion dollars.
I remember some hippy advertising campaign where the world would be perfect when teachers were paid more money and the air force had to hold bake sales. The point was never lost and our priorities have not changed. Just this week the congress passed another funding bill for the military, while cutting unemployment benefits for out of work Americans. Sometimes people say pithy things like "elections have consequences" but I am not sure they do.
This country is controlled by big business, whether it is the massive financial institutions that can control congress with gifts and bribes, or the oil companies who do the same, or the military bomb and plane builders who get money from congress and always send back about 10 percent to keep the cash flowing. All the while, many good people continually say "something must be done."
Of course, there are other good people who quite like how things are going. War has always been good for this country, ask FDR. The problem with an economy that relies on the construction and building of war machines is that we are often forced to use them just to justify their costs.
I was recently talking to a very conservative friend of mine who said that we had to go to war in Afghanistan because of 9-11 and that he too was kind of upset about Iraq because that has proven to be just insanity. My line of reasoning in regards to 9-11 shocked my conservative friend. I told him that at the time of the attacks my sense was, find out who is responsible, find out where they are and bomb the living fuck out of them, even tossing a nuke in their front yard. I believe my conservative friends eyes popped out of his head, but my reasoning was this, if you pick on a super power and walk away from it, others will feel like they too can do little knock off operations in the same vein. If we go bat shit crazy every time some country allows terrorists to have a nice warm place to plot their attacks, then very few places on earth will allow terrorists to call it home.
Plus, who really wants to piss off insane bullies with nuclear capabilities? Instead, we did the conventional thing, attack, bomb, soldiers and the like. In the end we have now lost over four thousand soldiers, more every day and one trillion dollars. What have we got out of this? No Osama, no end to threats and plots and even some badly planned attacks and still we fight.
We built up a huge war machine as a way to fend off attacks and intimidate countries and crazies from attacking us. Obviously that worked for countries like Russia and Cuba, but it will not work for individual countryless terrorists and that is who we will probably be dealing with from now on. Sometimes, rarely, but sometimes it pays to be a little crazy. I am not sure if a crazy nuke filled attack would have worked to scare off religious jihadists, but what it would have done is sent the fear of god into the bones of people who quietly plot. It is one thing to plan and carry out a suicide attack, but quite another to know that your singular act of idiocy will lead to invasion, death and punishment from the big bad bully on the world stage.
One trillion dollars is a lot of money. The deaths of so many soldiers is a terrible loss to our country and their families. The Iraq war is a tragedy on so many levels it is almost indescribable at this point. We have yet to bring peace to both countries that we now occupy. We will no doubt pull out and not have gained the upper hand. The loss of money and lives will be for what?
How much has the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost? A little over a trillion dollars.
I remember some hippy advertising campaign where the world would be perfect when teachers were paid more money and the air force had to hold bake sales. The point was never lost and our priorities have not changed. Just this week the congress passed another funding bill for the military, while cutting unemployment benefits for out of work Americans. Sometimes people say pithy things like "elections have consequences" but I am not sure they do.
This country is controlled by big business, whether it is the massive financial institutions that can control congress with gifts and bribes, or the oil companies who do the same, or the military bomb and plane builders who get money from congress and always send back about 10 percent to keep the cash flowing. All the while, many good people continually say "something must be done."
Of course, there are other good people who quite like how things are going. War has always been good for this country, ask FDR. The problem with an economy that relies on the construction and building of war machines is that we are often forced to use them just to justify their costs.
I was recently talking to a very conservative friend of mine who said that we had to go to war in Afghanistan because of 9-11 and that he too was kind of upset about Iraq because that has proven to be just insanity. My line of reasoning in regards to 9-11 shocked my conservative friend. I told him that at the time of the attacks my sense was, find out who is responsible, find out where they are and bomb the living fuck out of them, even tossing a nuke in their front yard. I believe my conservative friends eyes popped out of his head, but my reasoning was this, if you pick on a super power and walk away from it, others will feel like they too can do little knock off operations in the same vein. If we go bat shit crazy every time some country allows terrorists to have a nice warm place to plot their attacks, then very few places on earth will allow terrorists to call it home.
Plus, who really wants to piss off insane bullies with nuclear capabilities? Instead, we did the conventional thing, attack, bomb, soldiers and the like. In the end we have now lost over four thousand soldiers, more every day and one trillion dollars. What have we got out of this? No Osama, no end to threats and plots and even some badly planned attacks and still we fight.
We built up a huge war machine as a way to fend off attacks and intimidate countries and crazies from attacking us. Obviously that worked for countries like Russia and Cuba, but it will not work for individual countryless terrorists and that is who we will probably be dealing with from now on. Sometimes, rarely, but sometimes it pays to be a little crazy. I am not sure if a crazy nuke filled attack would have worked to scare off religious jihadists, but what it would have done is sent the fear of god into the bones of people who quietly plot. It is one thing to plan and carry out a suicide attack, but quite another to know that your singular act of idiocy will lead to invasion, death and punishment from the big bad bully on the world stage.
One trillion dollars is a lot of money. The deaths of so many soldiers is a terrible loss to our country and their families. The Iraq war is a tragedy on so many levels it is almost indescribable at this point. We have yet to bring peace to both countries that we now occupy. We will no doubt pull out and not have gained the upper hand. The loss of money and lives will be for what?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Fury like you
Coming to my hometown in a few weeks, people dressed in fury costumes. Why you ask? Do you really have to ask, I mean, come on, people love to dress in fury costumes.
Here is what the official website says: "Anthrocon is the world's largest convention for those fascinated with anthropomorphics, which are humanlike animal characters. We are a collection of artists, animators, writers, costumers, puppeteers, and just everyday fans who enjoy cartoon animals and their kin. This Summer we will convene at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA, from June 24-27, 2010 for workshops, panel discussions, an art exhibition and a dealer room, and much more! Membership is open to any and all who like to imagine what it would be like if animals could walk and talk as we do."
Last fourth of July the kids and I stumbled upon this convention. Great people, tales, costumes, just a lot of love in the air. If you want to come, let me know, we could all costume up together and have a ball.
Here is what the official website says: "Anthrocon is the world's largest convention for those fascinated with anthropomorphics, which are humanlike animal characters. We are a collection of artists, animators, writers, costumers, puppeteers, and just everyday fans who enjoy cartoon animals and their kin. This Summer we will convene at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA, from June 24-27, 2010 for workshops, panel discussions, an art exhibition and a dealer room, and much more! Membership is open to any and all who like to imagine what it would be like if animals could walk and talk as we do."
Last fourth of July the kids and I stumbled upon this convention. Great people, tales, costumes, just a lot of love in the air. If you want to come, let me know, we could all costume up together and have a ball.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The torch
Almost as if New Orleans is some wicked black hole that eats presidencies, President Obama is floundering because of another mess that is ruining New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Why do our presidents refuse to learn somethings about public relations and leadership?
Bush failed in New Orleans because people were suffering while the president golfed. It was unnerving to see a president who was already regarded as removed and aloof to be viewed in terms of some sort of social retardation. Obama is stuck with a man made fiasco, but he has been hands off for over a month while the liars and greed heads at BP just stand there with their hands in their pockets and wonder what to do.
Look, I have no clue how to stop the oil from coming up from the bottom of the ocean, but one thing I do know is I expect leaders to lead.
Oh, a side note. When I was a very young reporter I once sat in a bus with presidential candidate Jesse Jackson, interviewing him on a hot day in New York. He wanted to control the conversation we were having, but at the time, all I wanted to know was what sort of qualifications did he have that would make him a good president. See, at the time, Jesse Jackson had been the leader of some sort of non-profit, had given years of poetic speeches and had not done much more. This did not make him a bad man, or even a bad candidate for president, but my assumption was a president has to do more than talk. When I repeatedly asked Jackson what sort of qualifications he had to be a president, he continually repeated, "leaders lead and I am lead." I asked him a few times, in a variety of ways, and every time I got the same answer, "leaders lead and I am a leader."
Jackson did not win the democratic nomination.
Some 30 years later, we have a president who is, I think, a much better president than Jackson could have ever imagined, but again, he gives some great speeches. But here we are, 30 something days into this tragedy, the worst oil spill in American history and we have a president who has basically let the criminal corporation that caused this mess be in charge of the cleanup.
Leaders lead Mr. President, and your time to take a leadership role is quickly vanishing.
Bush failed in New Orleans because people were suffering while the president golfed. It was unnerving to see a president who was already regarded as removed and aloof to be viewed in terms of some sort of social retardation. Obama is stuck with a man made fiasco, but he has been hands off for over a month while the liars and greed heads at BP just stand there with their hands in their pockets and wonder what to do.
Look, I have no clue how to stop the oil from coming up from the bottom of the ocean, but one thing I do know is I expect leaders to lead.
Oh, a side note. When I was a very young reporter I once sat in a bus with presidential candidate Jesse Jackson, interviewing him on a hot day in New York. He wanted to control the conversation we were having, but at the time, all I wanted to know was what sort of qualifications did he have that would make him a good president. See, at the time, Jesse Jackson had been the leader of some sort of non-profit, had given years of poetic speeches and had not done much more. This did not make him a bad man, or even a bad candidate for president, but my assumption was a president has to do more than talk. When I repeatedly asked Jackson what sort of qualifications he had to be a president, he continually repeated, "leaders lead and I am lead." I asked him a few times, in a variety of ways, and every time I got the same answer, "leaders lead and I am a leader."
Jackson did not win the democratic nomination.
Some 30 years later, we have a president who is, I think, a much better president than Jackson could have ever imagined, but again, he gives some great speeches. But here we are, 30 something days into this tragedy, the worst oil spill in American history and we have a president who has basically let the criminal corporation that caused this mess be in charge of the cleanup.
Leaders lead Mr. President, and your time to take a leadership role is quickly vanishing.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Greed link
As many of you know, I started this blog in connection with a long form film I was working on detailing the economic collapse. That film was close to a final edit when I had a major computer malfunction.
The film is now set to start being sent to film festivals this summer, but her is a short promotional clip that is kind of fun.
The film is now set to start being sent to film festivals this summer, but her is a short promotional clip that is kind of fun.
There are a number of things in this world that I just do not understand. Today, I do not understand how the people who cause a complete environmental mess are somehow responsible and trusted to clean it up.
Seriously? Because this never happens to me after a fatal car crash. Last week I was drunkenly driving on the highway, police estimate I was doing 100 million miles an hour, and I hit a bus full of new born babies. Sadly, they all died, but lucky for me, the highway patrol cut me a deal, if I clean up the mess, no charges. So I spent a few minutes looking like I was cleaning things up, until the police got bored and left. Then, once they were gone, I left too. Job done.
BP is using my logic to deal with the worst oil spill in US history. What is terrible is the federal government is doing hardly anything. The insane tea party people are always fighting that government has no purpose and is a waste of money. Here is a decent purpose for government, push BP out of the way and let the EPA and Navy and any other federal government employee fix the leak in the Gulf. I mean, come on, it's over a month now and nothing has really changed.
Mr. President, if you do not want the same fate as George Bush, stop doing all the things he did. Torture continues, 2 wars continue, no real government oversight of the financial institutions continue and when tragedy strikes the Gulf Coast, it takes a month for your to realize that maybe Brownie isn't doing such a great job.
Seriously? Because this never happens to me after a fatal car crash. Last week I was drunkenly driving on the highway, police estimate I was doing 100 million miles an hour, and I hit a bus full of new born babies. Sadly, they all died, but lucky for me, the highway patrol cut me a deal, if I clean up the mess, no charges. So I spent a few minutes looking like I was cleaning things up, until the police got bored and left. Then, once they were gone, I left too. Job done.
BP is using my logic to deal with the worst oil spill in US history. What is terrible is the federal government is doing hardly anything. The insane tea party people are always fighting that government has no purpose and is a waste of money. Here is a decent purpose for government, push BP out of the way and let the EPA and Navy and any other federal government employee fix the leak in the Gulf. I mean, come on, it's over a month now and nothing has really changed.
Mr. President, if you do not want the same fate as George Bush, stop doing all the things he did. Torture continues, 2 wars continue, no real government oversight of the financial institutions continue and when tragedy strikes the Gulf Coast, it takes a month for your to realize that maybe Brownie isn't doing such a great job.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Hospital leaving
I probably leave hospitals more than most people, but then again, I am often lucky. Last night I was walking out of a hospital, which by the way is the best way to leave a hospital, and I got to thinking. In many ways hospitals are just these cold and unsympathetic human factories. Experts running here and there, charts, machines, papers and brightly lit rooms. These buildings could easily be turned into something a little more interesting.
The thing about walking out of a hospital is that you notice a lot of humanity. I was on an upper floor and I decided to take the stairs, because just lately I have become paranoid of sick people and lord knows hospitals are filled to the brim with sick people. To be honest it is not the sick people that worry me, it is the sickness inside the sick people that freaks me the fuck out. Again with the faltering American society.
First, if you fly, and I was at the airport last week, you see a lot of people have given up on any sort of flying fashion in return for dressing like hoodlums and freaks. It really was a circus and most of the clowns were obese and disgusting. I have nothing against the obese and disgusting, but when you match that condition with old sweat pants and dirty t-shirts, it is almost too much to comprehend. I noted last week how far our society has fallen because in the very airport where I was surrounded by human mess, there were black and white photos on the wall showing the opening of the airport and how people dressed for flights. Men in suits, beautiful women in classic dresses. Everyone clean, shaved, healthy. I looked around, the large and proud and disgusting and smelly. What has happened?
The people from the airport may have been flying in to go to the hospital, because a lot of them seemed to be walking around the halls as I was leaving. Families of patients, friends of patients and patients out for a stroll. Anyone who knows anything has realized that one of the ways hospitals are trying to control costs is by not letting sick people stay too long, because apparently it is quite expensive to keep people in a hospital. So, in turn, if you are staying in a hospital, you are probably seriously ill, which is why I do not use elevators in hospitals, nor do I touch many things. If I have OCD in hospitals, I am proud. Nothing says viral fungus like something dripping from a doorknob in a hospital.
There was a point to this and now it is lost on me.
The thing about walking out of a hospital is that you notice a lot of humanity. I was on an upper floor and I decided to take the stairs, because just lately I have become paranoid of sick people and lord knows hospitals are filled to the brim with sick people. To be honest it is not the sick people that worry me, it is the sickness inside the sick people that freaks me the fuck out. Again with the faltering American society.
First, if you fly, and I was at the airport last week, you see a lot of people have given up on any sort of flying fashion in return for dressing like hoodlums and freaks. It really was a circus and most of the clowns were obese and disgusting. I have nothing against the obese and disgusting, but when you match that condition with old sweat pants and dirty t-shirts, it is almost too much to comprehend. I noted last week how far our society has fallen because in the very airport where I was surrounded by human mess, there were black and white photos on the wall showing the opening of the airport and how people dressed for flights. Men in suits, beautiful women in classic dresses. Everyone clean, shaved, healthy. I looked around, the large and proud and disgusting and smelly. What has happened?
The people from the airport may have been flying in to go to the hospital, because a lot of them seemed to be walking around the halls as I was leaving. Families of patients, friends of patients and patients out for a stroll. Anyone who knows anything has realized that one of the ways hospitals are trying to control costs is by not letting sick people stay too long, because apparently it is quite expensive to keep people in a hospital. So, in turn, if you are staying in a hospital, you are probably seriously ill, which is why I do not use elevators in hospitals, nor do I touch many things. If I have OCD in hospitals, I am proud. Nothing says viral fungus like something dripping from a doorknob in a hospital.
There was a point to this and now it is lost on me.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Bull wins
So, if I was ever in a situation where I knew I was going to die and the person killing me showed even the slightest bit of weakness, I would do everything in my power to kill that person.
So, when the video below was posted on a new site, I started to think, well, first of all bull fighting is gay. But beyond that, if I was a bull, I would want to be this bull. You know, it must be kind of fun, chasing around red table clothes and hearing people cheer, it might not even be so bad when the gay guy in the silly clothes scratches your back with a sword, but every now and then you must admit that a bull has to do what a bull has to do. In this case, the bull does exactly what I would do.
So, when the video below was posted on a new site, I started to think, well, first of all bull fighting is gay. But beyond that, if I was a bull, I would want to be this bull. You know, it must be kind of fun, chasing around red table clothes and hearing people cheer, it might not even be so bad when the gay guy in the silly clothes scratches your back with a sword, but every now and then you must admit that a bull has to do what a bull has to do. In this case, the bull does exactly what I would do.
Wars and taxes
In a week where one right wing republican congressman had to leave office because he was shtuping his mistress, we still have Alan Grayson, a Florida congressman who is both smart and funny. Grayson has become somewhat famous for his biting comments he has made to the right wing zealots who are so often preaching against the very things then end up getting caught doing on video, in airport bathrooms and sometimes in hotels.
Grayson recently have the speech below in Congress and I think it is worth watching if not for the message, then just the common sense. It is about time we quit spending so much money on defense, when so few of our enemies spend anywhere near as much. Get smarter, spend less and give taxpayers a break.
Grayson recently have the speech below in Congress and I think it is worth watching if not for the message, then just the common sense. It is about time we quit spending so much money on defense, when so few of our enemies spend anywhere near as much. Get smarter, spend less and give taxpayers a break.
Below is a terribly funny speech by a young man who is obviously an idiot. I post this because I think we are all often fed this sort of hoo haa about all any sort of success you want in life can be obtained via hard work, dedication and breaking a board over your head. While there are parts of that statement that ring true, there are always other factors that come into play, otherwise we would all be breaking wood over our heads and following the path to untold riches.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Letters Project
Making short films is a joy, it really is. Trying to tell a story, or helping others tell their stories is at times frustrating and energy zapping. In the end, I find that the less I think about me and the more I focus on the subject at hand, the better the story becomes.
Here is a final version of a short film I did for a college in Massachusetts. I am hoping that this short will lead to a long form film on the letter writers and their experiences.
Here is a final version of a short film I did for a college in Massachusetts. I am hoping that this short will lead to a long form film on the letter writers and their experiences.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Gettin all political and stuff
Oh, remember when a stupid politician in Alabama (oxymoronic) had a commercial promising to make english the only language available for drivers exams? Of course he has my vote, even though I no longer live in Alabama. Still.
Anyway, finally a parody.
Anyway, finally a parody.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
The fat family
Yes, I have to write about you. Usually, I miss out on the fast food restaurant scene, but today I had to work a million miles away, which means i had to wake up terribly early, drive a long distance, set up a camera and microphone, sit quietly, pack everything up, drive a huge amount of miles and realize around 3:30 that I had nothing to eat all day.
The first place I saw was a burger making place, a chain. I knew it was bad, the food is terrible, all factory created, nothing is healthy in those places. The choice of drink is sugar and colored chemicals and chemicals with other coloring. I ordered chicken, but I knew it was not going to be good chicken, so tortured chicken that never saw light or walked on its chicken feet.
Such is the choice all find ourselves out on the highways. Here is what finally pushed me over the edge. Two families, both obese parents with loud obnoxious children, out of control children, being raised by hugely fat parents, obviously they have control issues of their own. As this one child at a nearby table kept screaming, I said to myself, do the parents just no longer hear that outrageous screaming? The father was quickly shoveling massive amounts of french fries into his piggy mouth. His wife, I think it was his wife, equally large and equally talented at stuffing her mouth, seemed to not notice that their child would take a sip of its toxic drink and blurt out nonsense.
Another family, on the other side, had the same lifestyle going. Incredibly fat parents, without a need to pay a tiny bit of attention to their screaming out of control child. It was like stereo white trash, tormenting me with both their wide open mouth eating style and children who seemed to relish the concept of disturbing the peace. I did mention this happened after 3 PM, yes?
When I see scenes like this, and I see them in many places on almost a daily basis, I wonder many things. First, maybe my father was correct in the use of a belt to beat us into submission. We were not allowed to act like that in private, much less public. I can not imagine how sore my butt would have been had I screamed in a restaurant. I know, child abuse is a terrible thing, but that pendulum swings both ways. In an effort to never discipline a child, we not have out of control children being raised by parents who do not seem to care.
Who eats like that? Mouth open with a full mouth of french fries, a sip of drink and some burger? My lord, were you in a hurry? Pig people amaze me. They seem to have no sense of shame, either in appearance or attitude. Sloppy slobs with the clothing choices only Wal-Mart can supply. I wonder if manufacturers stopped making XXL sizes, would that help these people push way from the dish a little more often? It really seems that the passion in these peoples lives are food, cheap, unhealthy, disgusting food. They do not seem driven by career, or love, or sexual appetites, instead, they eat fast food like a starving pig at a trough.
Is this really where our society is headed?
The first place I saw was a burger making place, a chain. I knew it was bad, the food is terrible, all factory created, nothing is healthy in those places. The choice of drink is sugar and colored chemicals and chemicals with other coloring. I ordered chicken, but I knew it was not going to be good chicken, so tortured chicken that never saw light or walked on its chicken feet.
Such is the choice all find ourselves out on the highways. Here is what finally pushed me over the edge. Two families, both obese parents with loud obnoxious children, out of control children, being raised by hugely fat parents, obviously they have control issues of their own. As this one child at a nearby table kept screaming, I said to myself, do the parents just no longer hear that outrageous screaming? The father was quickly shoveling massive amounts of french fries into his piggy mouth. His wife, I think it was his wife, equally large and equally talented at stuffing her mouth, seemed to not notice that their child would take a sip of its toxic drink and blurt out nonsense.
Another family, on the other side, had the same lifestyle going. Incredibly fat parents, without a need to pay a tiny bit of attention to their screaming out of control child. It was like stereo white trash, tormenting me with both their wide open mouth eating style and children who seemed to relish the concept of disturbing the peace. I did mention this happened after 3 PM, yes?
When I see scenes like this, and I see them in many places on almost a daily basis, I wonder many things. First, maybe my father was correct in the use of a belt to beat us into submission. We were not allowed to act like that in private, much less public. I can not imagine how sore my butt would have been had I screamed in a restaurant. I know, child abuse is a terrible thing, but that pendulum swings both ways. In an effort to never discipline a child, we not have out of control children being raised by parents who do not seem to care.
Who eats like that? Mouth open with a full mouth of french fries, a sip of drink and some burger? My lord, were you in a hurry? Pig people amaze me. They seem to have no sense of shame, either in appearance or attitude. Sloppy slobs with the clothing choices only Wal-Mart can supply. I wonder if manufacturers stopped making XXL sizes, would that help these people push way from the dish a little more often? It really seems that the passion in these peoples lives are food, cheap, unhealthy, disgusting food. They do not seem driven by career, or love, or sexual appetites, instead, they eat fast food like a starving pig at a trough.
Is this really where our society is headed?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
College bound
A friend of mine works at a college. I guess this will speak about the depth of my friendship, all I know is he works at a college, he could be a janitor or a professor, I don't know. Which is remarkable in a couple of ways, first, I am so shallow as to have friends that I have not bothered to know what it is they do at this college, except go there to work.
That, and I always thought of this friend as smart, so maybe he is the head of the janitors. I do know something about janitors and colleges, although this is completely getting away from the point of this story. Recently I was video taping a man who is dying, and for all I know he has died since I video taped him. It's all coming back to me now, I meant to explain my latest predicament in a professional matter. Again with the tangents. It is interesting that I was video taping this man who was ill, and he was talking about his own son, who happened to be in his early 50's, the son, not the dying man.
His son is the head of the janitors at a large local college. His status at the college, or possibly a perk of employment, allowed his two daughters to attend the college tuition free. Which is a pretty cool perk. At my job, our one only perk is that you can feed the monkey during smoke breaks.
My friend - the college worker - called earlier, complaining that there was over grown lawns in front of the fine arts building. I think he said the lawn has going through its "Adam Lambert phase". I asked why it was allowed to grow without the care of a gardener or stylist. The college apparently has some sort of specialized communication system, a professor notices say, grass growing all gay and stuff in front of the fine arts building. Call the department head, who calls a dean, who may or may not get around to notifying someone in building administration. Some time later, some how a buildings and grounds worker will be asked to check it out and he will drive a quiet electric golf cart over to the business and economics building, only to find the grounds in tip top shape and leave it at that.
There should be a point to al this. Something about making simple communication complex, or colleges are good, or something.
I have learned a couple of things. I will actually ask my friend what it is he does at this college. The second thing I learned...
That, and I always thought of this friend as smart, so maybe he is the head of the janitors. I do know something about janitors and colleges, although this is completely getting away from the point of this story. Recently I was video taping a man who is dying, and for all I know he has died since I video taped him. It's all coming back to me now, I meant to explain my latest predicament in a professional matter. Again with the tangents. It is interesting that I was video taping this man who was ill, and he was talking about his own son, who happened to be in his early 50's, the son, not the dying man.
His son is the head of the janitors at a large local college. His status at the college, or possibly a perk of employment, allowed his two daughters to attend the college tuition free. Which is a pretty cool perk. At my job, our one only perk is that you can feed the monkey during smoke breaks.
My friend - the college worker - called earlier, complaining that there was over grown lawns in front of the fine arts building. I think he said the lawn has going through its "Adam Lambert phase". I asked why it was allowed to grow without the care of a gardener or stylist. The college apparently has some sort of specialized communication system, a professor notices say, grass growing all gay and stuff in front of the fine arts building. Call the department head, who calls a dean, who may or may not get around to notifying someone in building administration. Some time later, some how a buildings and grounds worker will be asked to check it out and he will drive a quiet electric golf cart over to the business and economics building, only to find the grounds in tip top shape and leave it at that.
There should be a point to al this. Something about making simple communication complex, or colleges are good, or something.
I have learned a couple of things. I will actually ask my friend what it is he does at this college. The second thing I learned...
Still unable to put enough thoughts together, so take a look at my new favorite video and ask yourself, is your life filled with passion?
wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Two videos
OK, so these are not mothers day posts, but I don't really believe in mothers day. Well, I am not a fool, I get that there is a candy and flower massive lobbying effort to honor mothers, but I have no mother and the majority of mothers I know would appreciate a day or two per week of honor, not once a year.
Speaking of bad mothers, I think about those mothers who are not really mothers, fathers too. Who are these people who haphazardly made the choice to have children and then warehouse them in day cares and never have serious bonding time and love time. Imagine having your car tuned up by a minimum wage worker. I doubt anyone with a decent car would do it. How about going to a fine restaurant and asking what experience the chef has, only to find that this is his third job for the week and he has never cooked before, but he is working for minimum wage and hopes to get back into college.
Scary? Who do you think is taking care of those babies in daycares? I know. I am frightened too. So, the mothers celebrating this day, I hope you spend all the time possible with those babies you just had to have.
I know some wonderful mothers. I do. I call them for advice. Sometimes. They work to stay in contact with their growing children. They have always been connected and loving to their children. I like these women, they are good mothers, good people. I also know their opposites. Mothers who have no connection, have never connected on an emotional level with anyone, who float through life as if there will never be a consequence to any action.
Me? I keep faith. I fight the concept of cynicism and almost every day I realize I am blessed to be alive and to have children who I adore and love. Anything else always seems like sugar. So, for mothers and fathers and children and pets, I stumbled across my favorite singer of all time and thought I should share this song.
Mother of mine, if somehow you are still connected to this world, stand up, shake your booty and smile.
Speaking of bad mothers, I think about those mothers who are not really mothers, fathers too. Who are these people who haphazardly made the choice to have children and then warehouse them in day cares and never have serious bonding time and love time. Imagine having your car tuned up by a minimum wage worker. I doubt anyone with a decent car would do it. How about going to a fine restaurant and asking what experience the chef has, only to find that this is his third job for the week and he has never cooked before, but he is working for minimum wage and hopes to get back into college.
Scary? Who do you think is taking care of those babies in daycares? I know. I am frightened too. So, the mothers celebrating this day, I hope you spend all the time possible with those babies you just had to have.
I know some wonderful mothers. I do. I call them for advice. Sometimes. They work to stay in contact with their growing children. They have always been connected and loving to their children. I like these women, they are good mothers, good people. I also know their opposites. Mothers who have no connection, have never connected on an emotional level with anyone, who float through life as if there will never be a consequence to any action.
Me? I keep faith. I fight the concept of cynicism and almost every day I realize I am blessed to be alive and to have children who I adore and love. Anything else always seems like sugar. So, for mothers and fathers and children and pets, I stumbled across my favorite singer of all time and thought I should share this song.
Mother of mine, if somehow you are still connected to this world, stand up, shake your booty and smile.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Something interesting happened this week, a major American city flooded and no one seemed to care. Heck, I did not pay much attention, then again, I do not have a TV thing and do not watch news.
Which means, I read the online editions of a variety of news organizations, and for the life of me, I missed the flooding in Nashville story, and I kind of think they did too.
Anyway, here is video. This country had an amazing out pouring of support for Haiti after the massive earthquake, where are the requests for money and clothing and such for the people of Nashville?
Which means, I read the online editions of a variety of news organizations, and for the life of me, I missed the flooding in Nashville story, and I kind of think they did too.
Anyway, here is video. This country had an amazing out pouring of support for Haiti after the massive earthquake, where are the requests for money and clothing and such for the people of Nashville?
Piss play
Oh my, it seems like only yesterday I was paid to post something about a new MTV show, and now, a film about drunk Americans playing with urine.
Two things, I love dumb people, always have, always will.
I also love tourists. There is nothing better than being dumb in a foreign country.
Two things, I love dumb people, always have, always will.
I also love tourists. There is nothing better than being dumb in a foreign country.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Giant wang
Oh, how easy life would be if success was judge on the size of our respective johnsons.
Jesus, did I just write that? Well, welcome to the new world, where a giant man toy will get you everything. Sound interesting? MTV is thinking just like you.
Jesus, did I just write that? Well, welcome to the new world, where a giant man toy will get you everything. Sound interesting? MTV is thinking just like you.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Heroin fajitas
Oh my. I never eat fajitas out in public, not because of some shame, or the fact that I eat like a starving pig, not I never order fajitas anymore because I make the worlds best fajitas and any other is just a waste of time, and chicken.
In honor of Cinco de Mayo tonight, my date and I went to a new Mexican restaurant. It is a tiny little place, with boring walls and fat waiters. I was thrilled. So many American restaurants try to lure you in with bad food but hotties working as waiters and bus people. I know the trick, after all, I owned a restaurant at one time, serving terrible food delivered by some of the sexiest hippies in Seattle.
So, we actually had to wait in line to get a seat, almost always a good sign, especially with a new restaurant. The service was adequate and my young date and I decided to share an order of chicken fajitas. Service fine, drinks fine, margaritas, sans alcohol, not ordered.
Chicken fajitas? Best on the east coast. My lord, they were so good I want to go back right now and order more. And I am stuffed. Granted, this was not a giant corporate whore restaurant, but a local whore restaurant, with unhealthy staff and not a hotty to be seen, either on staff or in the restaurant.
The food? Remarkable. Simple, good and fun to eat.
Ahh, but there is a catch, as there often is. These had to be the famous heroin fajitas. Great the first time, but my date and I agreed, things would never be this good again. Like so many things in life, first dates, home made ice cream, the birth of your first 3 children, you always want to return to that first one, because none of the next ones will be anywhere near as good.
My sense, the heroin fajitas will fall into that category. We will return, we have to, we are jonsing for more, we need more, we want more and more and more. I am sure, next time, it will be a fluke we will say, they were so good last time, but this time, dry and boring. We will go again after that and again and again. Never will we ever receive the best fajitas on the east coast, but we are hooked, strung out on the the expectation. I need more fajitas. I need more now.
Oh, I could post a link to this new restaurant, and I could also post a link to a couple of my former drug dealers who did the same bait and switch, strung me out on the good stuff for years, taking a fortune, always with the promise, this is the good stuff, and it never was. Oh fajita dealer, I know you tricks and yet, I am too weak to go back to making my own. Damn you fajitas and all those tortillas that make you so, ever so, sexy.
In honor of Cinco de Mayo tonight, my date and I went to a new Mexican restaurant. It is a tiny little place, with boring walls and fat waiters. I was thrilled. So many American restaurants try to lure you in with bad food but hotties working as waiters and bus people. I know the trick, after all, I owned a restaurant at one time, serving terrible food delivered by some of the sexiest hippies in Seattle.
So, we actually had to wait in line to get a seat, almost always a good sign, especially with a new restaurant. The service was adequate and my young date and I decided to share an order of chicken fajitas. Service fine, drinks fine, margaritas, sans alcohol, not ordered.
Chicken fajitas? Best on the east coast. My lord, they were so good I want to go back right now and order more. And I am stuffed. Granted, this was not a giant corporate whore restaurant, but a local whore restaurant, with unhealthy staff and not a hotty to be seen, either on staff or in the restaurant.
The food? Remarkable. Simple, good and fun to eat.
Ahh, but there is a catch, as there often is. These had to be the famous heroin fajitas. Great the first time, but my date and I agreed, things would never be this good again. Like so many things in life, first dates, home made ice cream, the birth of your first 3 children, you always want to return to that first one, because none of the next ones will be anywhere near as good.
My sense, the heroin fajitas will fall into that category. We will return, we have to, we are jonsing for more, we need more, we want more and more and more. I am sure, next time, it will be a fluke we will say, they were so good last time, but this time, dry and boring. We will go again after that and again and again. Never will we ever receive the best fajitas on the east coast, but we are hooked, strung out on the the expectation. I need more fajitas. I need more now.
Oh, I could post a link to this new restaurant, and I could also post a link to a couple of my former drug dealers who did the same bait and switch, strung me out on the good stuff for years, taking a fortune, always with the promise, this is the good stuff, and it never was. Oh fajita dealer, I know you tricks and yet, I am too weak to go back to making my own. Damn you fajitas and all those tortillas that make you so, ever so, sexy.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Artist working
Here is another film I put together. This is a Los Angeles artist working in her studio.
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