Sunday, January 29, 2012

The 3 that matter the most

A long time ago in a dirty Alaskan town
I just wanted to 10 fingers and 10 toes
When prodigal was born I was surprised how nice he was
His sister came out screaming at me and has not slowed
Her sister is a zen master who smiles and I smile back.

Lately we’ve been together again after a spell where we weren’t.
I once told friends I was blessed for being able to spend time with these three
And now that is even more true.
Every moment, any moment, seems magnified, intense.

I hear a ticking sound that sometimes drowns out words
They hear it too and sometimes we are all grow tired of it.
We try to remain drama free, thank god.
That does not mean we are unaware.

Chapters get written and forgotten
Some are more interesting than others
And we all have our favorites
But final chapters are looming and to pretend like we are unaware would be silly.
So when we are all together, there is an acknowledgement.

They say time is fleeting and that much has become clear
These moments spent with the three of them can be harrowing
And they can be charming, just depends on timing
Like almost everything else.
With what we all know is looming on a shortened horizon
Days like these are fast becoming all that matter.

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