Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Then this again

Vince from marketing was on the phone this morning, early. Changes were being made, add this, subtract that. I was drinking coffee and trying to take notes, but I missed some of it. I am sure he will call back.

The thing is, "Dancing with Mannequins and Idiots" is being pulled from Amazon, there is something else there, but that is not on the notepad. All posts dealing with the issue of Newt Gingrich must be removed. Some sort of legal thing.

Another legal notice, Rick Santorum is not a Satanist. That much is true.

The long form book, "Dancing with Mannequins and Idiots, a complete guide to the 2012 presidential race, or how to BBQ a cookbook" will be released at an appropriate time, probably about the same time Mitt Romney releases his tax returns.

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