Friday, October 29, 2010

Freedom, never tasted so sweet

Finally a give away. Is the word giveaway or give away? I should check that before posting, but again, it is the weekend and I am lazy. Now, I am following some very specific rules on this giveaway, because it is not something I personally am giving away, although that too could be negotiated, if you know what I mean and if you do, please let me know what I mean. So I have to put this link in the first paragraph to get the 35 dollar gift card, or better, give YOU a 35 dollar gift card. So point your browsers at the coffee tables and you too could end up with something, like a 35 dollar gift from CSN's amazing and sexy stores.

This is a serious contest, well, I take that back. It's not serious, or a contest, it is a gift card given away to a lucky someone and YOU know who you are.

So, let's have some fun. Send me an email HERE and explain in 3-17 words why you are so desperate for a 35 dollar gift card. What I will do is print out all the emails, spread them on the floor and let my uber lesbian house cat Momma Kitty figure out who deserves a 35 dollar gift card.

Pretty cool, right?

I know, we need a time limit. Lets say, by midnight of Halloween, Momma Kitty will be plenty drunk by then and the magic will happen.

Oh, a notice from Momma Kitties attorney, Beth Libitard, who wanted to make things clear, "the winner does not get momma kitty." Thank god for Beth Libitard.

OK, so get on it. What are you waiting for? Did you check out the coffee table link? Are you on it or what? Email me, and I am kind of stupid with links, so if the link for emailing your 3-17 word essay does not work, try this,

Good luck to everyone.

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