Monday, October 25, 2010

Selling out

Dear Blog Readers,

I have been asked to take part in some sort of giveaway program that would allow one of YOU to win some sort of cookware thing. I know, I hardly ever give anything away, if you do not count my recent stained t-shirt giveaway, but that was really specifically for college freshmen, so I do not count it.

Now, I have to come up with a plan to give away, say a frying pan, or some sort of kitchen device. I pretty much have my choice of all sorts of cool things, and so what I need to do, and maybe get some advice from you, is what sort of system should I put in place to give away this as yet unknown item. Suggestions?

Drop an email.

And since I am not pandering to advertisers, I could use a trip to Seattle, if an airline PR doofus is reading. Or a flight to Amsterdam, I left a t-shirt there too.

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