Friday, June 3, 2011

On being OK

I just returned from my morning yoga session and I have to say, I do not understand why more people do not take2-3 hours every morning and center themselves, find inner peace and also get a new muffler on their car.

Should be simple, right? I mean, what is more important than stretching and soothing your body, all the while getting your oil checked, a new gas filter installed and having them repair that little leak on your tail pipe. Right? Am I right?

Personal to Emailer: Why yes I am, thank you and thank you for that picture that did not leave a lot to my limited imagination. While I have never actually dated a member of congress, I did meet a senator in Minneapolis once....


  1. Leroys Muffler and Yoga shop? Damn, just saying it makes me smile. And this appeared while I was ready to complain about how serious the post on rape was. Must be one of your more productive days.

  2. Do you save all these weird pages you have created? Is there a map of it all?
