Have you been keeping up with the trials and tribulation of a single lesbian student in a small town in Oklahoma, denied her ability to attend her school prom because she wanted to bring her girlfriend?
To quickly recap, said lesbo wants to dance with her girlfriend at said prom. Done.
School board denies and cancels the whole thing. ACLU sues on lesbian behalf. ACLU wins, but school says no prom this year. A group of families decide to put on their own prom, sans lesbians.
All I can say is who cares about lesbians? No, that's not what I meant to say.
A quick bit of my own lesbian history. Last year my children and I were living in a rural farming community, so small that grades 1-12 all attended the same school. If the area was any more rural I would have had to marry my sister, that is how rural it was. My son was a senior in high school and his girlfriend from the West Coast flew out for the prom. Both his sisters were asked on dates for the prom. My youngest attended with an adorable young man who was sweet and nice. My older daughter attended with a beautiful woman.
I know, what? I was in lesbian heaven, my brilliant daughter attending a rural schools prom with her "girlfriend". These are the same children who refused to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
So, what happened? Did my daughter and her date get disqualified? Did they get shunned by their friends and other classmates? Did the school board step in, cancel the prom and make sure the hummersexuals never enjoy an event thatmay cast them in thelight of typical teen looking for friends, love, lovers? No.
They did not. The prom went off without a hitch. The kids had fun, danced till all hours of the morning, what else they did I am not privy too. It is none of my business. But what did not happen is a bunch of conservative dickhead parents did not try and stop a tradition because of their own stupidity, hatred and fear. The prom went off, pictures were taken, life continued without some sort of Christian crazy event.
Oh well.
So I say to the parents in Oklahoma, go for it. Invite the lesbian and the gays and the trannies (especially the trannies) and have yourself a prom. Seriously, what is it you fear about two girls dancing? Have you ever been to a high school dance of any sort? Girls dance together all the time because boys have yet to figure out that if you dance with girls, you might get kissed or something.
Let kids be kids and that means let gay kids be just as kid-like as straight kids. Being gay is not a disease, not a problem to be dealt with or something to be ashamed of. Canceling a prom makes adults look like fools, which in the case of thisparticular Oklahoma school board, is correct. Congratulations for publically outing yourselves.
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