Monday, March 15, 2010


Out in Arizona, where John McCain is flailing to the right to try and beat a republican challenger, we find that this candidate who wants to beat a war veteran, former presidential candidate and Sarah Palin buddy into the ground, is something of an ass.

Here is one thing, among many, that I just do not get about the current republican people. They always cry about big government, how this awful Big Government thing is trying to steal our taxes, and brainwash our children and give every woman an abortion whether she wants one or not. Then, the first chance they get, the start talking about the homosexuals, or homersexuals in the language of the republicans.

Once you get these morons to talk about gays and rights and marriage, you can almost bet the house they will say something so stupid it will make cells in your brain laugh out load.

Take McCains challenger, an engaging and well spoken man named J.D. Hayworth. I could put words into the mouth of this banal idiot, but he speaks with his own mouth, thank you very much. J.D. - take it away. ""You see, the Massachusetts Supreme Court, when it started this move toward same-sex marriage, actually defined marriage -- now get this -- it defined marriage as simply, 'the establishment of intimacy,'" Hayworth said. "Now how dangerous is that? I mean, I don't mean to be absurd about it, but I guess I can make the point of absurdity with an absurd point -- I guess that would mean if you really had affection for your horse, I guess you could marry your horse. It's just the wrong way to go, and the only way to protect the institution of marriage is with that federal marriage amendment that I support."

Scary and what is even more so, he may beat McCain.

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