Oh my, first a couple of weeks ago some whacko erected a giant sign somewhere in Minnesota with a picture of former president Bush and a little script that said "miss me yet?" To many, the answer was obvious, no.
Today, in the New York Times, Stanley Fish writes about missing George Bush.
A couple of years ago I interviewed sculptor Mark diSuvero in Chicago, a city that has a mixed history for the artist. During the 68 democratic convention diSuvero was beaten by police and he famously erected a peace sculpture. While we were talking in Chicago as he was installing some beautiful pieces in the Millenium Park, he said at the time that one of the things he wanted people to remember is that George Bush was a war criminal. In the film I created about him I kept that moment in the film because, first he asked me to and second, he was right.
He still is.
Do I miss George Bush? Under Obama things are not that different, so in some ways, what is there to miss? Obama is trying to get troops out of Iraq, but has not yet succeeded. He continues to run up debt just like Bush, he continues using some of the crazier justifications for invading citizens privacy. Of course, former vice president Cheney is gone, but certainly not quiet. He almost seems to be bragging about his war criminal deeds, to no avail. No one in the Obama administration seems to have the balls to do what almost any thinking human knows, a trial for war criminals right about now would suffice.
Do I miss Bush? This is the stupidest question ever. All presidents do good things and bad things, things we support and things we hate. George Bush was a modern president, representing the decline of this country on so many levels. Corrupt, stupid and possible insane and his followers loved him for it. He was one of us, shallow and proud. His presidency will always be remembered for an amazing ability to lie. Hate big government, but grow big government. Talk about individual rights, but erode individual rights. Pretend to be a world leader, end up having the vast majority of world leaders not trusting us. Brilliant.
Do I miss George Bush? You can not be serious.
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