As anyone who has bookmarked this blog knows, there are updates galore so often, it must seem like I do nothing else.
So, what has been happening that I could not be bothered to even post a picture of my gassy lesbian dog? My laptop supremo, with information about anything and everything, has died. It was not pretty, but then death hardly ever is.
I ran dear lappy to the lappy hospital two days ago. They did miracle healthcare that is always unavailable to humans in America and amazingly, dear sweet powerful lappy made a recovery, well, kind of. Everything was back, but it was back to what a new laptop would be like, no information that had once been buried in the lappy memory. No images, no movies, no documents, no music.
I could rebuild, in fact, I started. I was able to do work and I had other projects, so I was too busy to nurse lappy back to normal and when lappy began to feel left out, it committed suicide. Lappy is gone.
Along with the loss of all my digital life, including websites, I am now waiting for the angels of Apple to replace the memory. I will have a new laptop, but again, with nothing that made the former machine sing.
So, the blog is on hiatus, which is a tonic for everything that ills. I like hiatus. We will return, probably next week. Lots more memory, lots more good times.
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