Friday, March 12, 2010


This blog is now officially linked to the Mergatroid Films new website. If you go there and then click on BLOG you will be redirected back here, a vicious circle if ever there was one.

I will be explaining some of the changes to that site here, since so much of that site remains under development. First, if you scroll down on this blog you will find that recently my all controlling laptop died recently, so I am rebuilding much of my digital life. Even before its untimely death, I knew some changes needed to be made on the business site I have.

Over the years, with a couple of other businesses, I have created sites that served their purpose. This new site should offer clients and others the chance to see some of the films I have created and discuss what can be be expected if I am hired to work on press, marketing and informational campaigns for them.

Did any of that make sense?

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