While enjoying some decent if not bland Mexican food with some very old friends in San Clemente last week, I was reminded more than once that this was Dick Nixons favorite restaurant. If memory serves me, I actually at the presidents special, which I think contains a chile something and something in a corn tortilla. Dick Nixon, even in death, leaves a pain in my stomach and bad memories.
I did, however, get into a little tiff regarding the upcoming election. Seems the consensus was that President Obama is an idiot and the democrats are a bunch of professional dorks. I tend to agree with the latter, but Obama still has time and the ability to bully from his pulpit. The democrats though, are history, at least in the upcoming election.
For a couple of election cycles the democrats have won and won big. They did this for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was George Bush. Possibly, probably, the worst president in history, he was a huge straw man that most democrats could beat and beat repeatedly. Bush is gone now and with control of the White House, congress and the senate, the democrats have proven themselves to be as corrupt and idiotic as their inbred republican friends.
See, I think the democrats should have taken the view that ownership of the White House and both houses gave them a unique point in history where they could actually accomplish something, like nationalized healthcare, or a stimulus package that actually stimulated. Instead, they allowed republicans to water down any meaningful legislation with amendments and ideas that meant nothing to the electorate, and instead, ruined anything of meaning.
So what do they have to show for two years of control? A terrible job on almost every level. Barney Frank, the lisping-prancing chair of the congressional committee in charge of regulating banks and investment companies has done so little to reform and reign in the outlandish and corrupt ways of Wall Street, he may as well be using derivatives as lube. Why do I hate Barney with such passion? Because for all his badmouthing of banks and the people who run them, he showed no leadership on the house floor, where it matters.
This is typical of democrats of late. They get that people are angry and pissed off at the republicans and their almost sexual closeness to big business, and instead of doing anything about it, they jumped into the big bed of business and slid under the covers.
Sadly, the democrats deserve to lose and lose big in November, the only thing sadder is that the options on the ballot will be crazy republicans and idiotic tea baggers. Now, I am all for teabagging, but please, keep that to yourself. My suggestion is a party that is far to the left of democrats, one that really does want to empower people, give equal rights to all, end government hand outs to big business and big agriculture (we still subsidize tobacco for gods sake) and set about building this country in a way to treats its citizens like people and not ants to be toyed with.
Of course, we do live in a country where 45 percent of voters would elect Darth Vader and the other 45 percent would elect Hitler and the people who decide, that 5-7 percent left over, are too high or stupid to know what to do.
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