As much as I hate stupid people, and I do, I really do, I love the MTV show Jersey Shore. I am not sure if it is just how amazingly clueless the cast is, or how they represent a certain age, where drinking and hooking up is all that ever matters. I am just not sure why, but I love to stumble across it and watch the latest episode.
The things I learn from this show are not easy to classify. I have recently learned that women are not honest with one another. When one of them has a cheating boyfriend, they others cackle around as if they might help a fellow woman out by being honest with her, but instead, they hold back and allow this drunken buffoon every opportunity to sleaze it up at the club and come back and crawl into bed with his stupid girlfriend.
Friends are funny in New Jersey.
I have also learned that the modern young man has become a woman. These morons are obsessed with their bodies like no woman I have ever known. Working out and tanning is how the seemingly spend every waking hour. This may have something to do with the fact that none of them have to work. The network does get them some sort of fake job to make them seem like they might not be getting paid for being on TV, but we all know the joke. What is amazing is, given free time and a chance that the vast majority of Americans never have, these neanderthals waltz around from one bar and one STD infected bimbo, never thinking for a second that possibly, just possibly, there might be other things to do in life.
I know, no one expects role models on TV, that is a given. What I do not understand is given the opportunity to spend some time bettering themselves outside of a gym or tanning salon, these people all choose picking up quite possibly the ugliest women in Miami.
While the men are all fake bronze and muscled, the woman exist as air headed fake breasts. I am not sure they are even capable of conversing in actual sentences. The putter around in high heals and shirts that may as well be see through, plotting to get even with some evil thing or planning to hook up with some steroid filled bozo. Again, we get to see what a lowly educated person would do if they did not have to work for a living and the answer is always drink, sex and say insipid things to fellow fools.
I did mention that I love this show, right?
Here is what is strange. I have been watching episodes of Planet Earth this past few weeks and they are shot in high definition and you can not watch 5 minutes of this amazing show without learning something, and generally it is something inspiring and eye opening. There is a single voice that brings you into the oceans and forests and mountains and nests and tells you the story. What we see are animals obsessed with raising their children, finding food and water and enjoying what appears to be a dangerous, yet fruitful existence. So, it is beautifully shot, the music is sublime, the stories are mesmerizing and the editing is quite possibly the best I have ever seen, plus, the animals are passionate, directed and driven to do what they are genetically bound to accomplish. Exactly the opposite of Jersey Shore.
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