Twice in the last two days I have been speaking with doctors, smart, accomplished doctors. Both times, well, first let me say this, both of these interactions had nothing to do with me. That said, both doctors are acclaimed and successful professionals, both highly educated. Both have been at it for more than 20 years, but remain committed to their respective specialties and professions. Both seemed to be doing great, both seemed about as smart as a dimming light bulb.
What has happened to our medical profession?
Before I get back to dumb doctors, let me say that I had a meeting with a fellow who had a lot of conservative opinions. You know the type, get rid of social security, get rid of medicaid and medicare, get rid of all the socialist programs that are ruining this country. Of course, we should continue to cut taxes to the wealthiest among us. Also, while we are at it, let's give more money to farmers and tobacco growers, because lord knows, that is not welfare on any level.
See, the problem I have with my most conservative friends is the hypocritical ideas that exist in their heads. Sure, cut taxes, but what about that huge debt conservatives have rung up over the last decade? Sure, cut social security, I will never get any, but what about all those old people? I asked my friend, since we hate conservatives so much, how about ending the whole public education scam? He was silent, he has some children and lord knows, we hate to cut the spending that actually affects us personally.
In the end, we both agreed Barrack Obama is not doing a very good job as president and then we both strongly agreed that John McCain would have been much much worse. The job of president is a terrible job, and get this, it does not pay that well. I mean, it pays more than I make, but if you offered me the job right now? Well, I would take it, but only for Air Force One.
Obama blew it. When he took office, he had a lot of friends and a lot of voters who wanted to see major change. Instead, he hung out with republicans, who despise him, and he tried to swing deals with these devils. If he knew what I knew, he would have said, "hello my republican friends, I am busy meeting with my democrat brothers, so fuck yourself for a few months while we try to fix this country."
Instead, as we all witnessed, he went about trying to do things, but he kept compromising, and compromising with the devils who hate him. Almost insane, but not quite. Instead, we got watered down versions of the programs he was elected to install. Health care reform? Barely. Financial reform? Hardly. Wars? On-going. The list goes on, he has not quite failed as much as he did not deliver with the impact I think the voters were expecting. We wanted Roosevelt, we got, gosh, I am not sure what we have. The great compromiser sounds right, but he worse than that, because he did have majorities in both houses and a populace that seemed ready to go for it.
Oh well, much like the well educated but dunderheaded doctors I wrote about earlier, Obama is super qualified and seemingly a nice enough fella, but at times in life, you have to stop talking and punch people in the mouth. Republicans have done everything in their power to screw up this president and in turn ruin this country, all for political gain. We all understand that. What we do not understand is why even negotiate with your enemy? Man up, shut them out and do what you know is right. Life is short, especially for politicians, he should have kicked some ass, twisted some sissy democratic arms and made big plans for big change.
A let down on every level.
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