Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Debt ceiling

If I was the president:

I would immediately use the 14th amendment and raise the debt ceiling, go on national television and tell the American people that "neither the democrats or republicans have the time or the balls to come up with a real plan that will raise the debt ceiling and cut spending. Crisis solved, if the posturing politicians in both houses and of both parties are serious about cutting spending, go for it. By my decisive action, I have averted a major economic meltdown, so now these blowhards can continue to talk until the cows come home."

He might also want to take a moment and remind the American people that while GW Bush inherited a surplus, he inherited the biggest debt in this countries history and the second worst economy in American history, and almost immediately he was met with republicans who negotiated in bad faith on every major piece of important legislation and then, having won idiotic concessions, voted no on the reforms they fought for.

Then he might want to mention that not since the 60's has any president been able to get the sort of healthcare reform passed as he was able to push through.

He might wink at the camera and then say, "You know my fellow Americans, Bill Clinton tried and I am sure he did his best, and George Bush spent trillions of our countries wealth trying, but it was on my watch, with my leadership that Osama Bin Laden ended up buried at sea. Let the politicians of both parties bicker, but things need to get done and I am the president who is not afraid to kick some ass. Now if you will excuse me, I have a family that loves me. God Bless this country, but maybe not the old white men in cheap suits who banter about the congress with promises they have no intention of keeping."


  1. Obama is the black Jimmy Carter.

  2. Fuck the republicans. Then fuck the democrats just as hard, they are all traitors.

  3. No simple answers.
