Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Psychopaths I have known

Why just yesterday my little texting device jingled a little bit, alerting me to the fact that a psychopath was trying to communicate with me. It's true, my phone has a special signal for drunks, addicts and assorted other nut jobs and when they text or call, it has a special ring. I like that.

So there I was, in the midst of heated negotiations and the theme music from Hawaii 5-0 started to play from my nearby briefcase. That is the sound that comes from my phone to let me know a psychopath would like to correspond. I was busy, but during a break I checked my messages and there is was, Drunky McDrunkington was texting, out of the blue, saying something drunk-like and that was it.

The remainder of this post has been removed for further editing.


  1. Hate to be on your bad side.

  2. What happened to the rest?

  3. Drunky? I think I can die now.

  4. Tell Mikal I says hi.

  5. Isn't Nebraska perfect for psychopaths in the summer?

  6. Still would like to see the rest of this post. Who is Drunky and why Nebraska for Psychopaths? Do I miss something by not having read every single damn post in this blog?

  7. Damn, I hate when you edit.

  8. I would love to get an update on Sketchy. For a while there was some interesting stuff and then he was gone from the blog.
