Friday, July 22, 2011


I am kind of sick of retarded people dictating what is best for the children. Oh, you know what I mean when I say retarded people, we all know. Wink wink.

When bigots speak, they like to use catch phrases and terms that everyone understands means one thing, but when said in a big giant public place means another.

As a white guy, sometimes my fellow white people say things to me, in confidence, or just out of racist tendencies, that I am supposed to either agree with, or just kind of let slide. I used to kind of know this terrible person, whom for the sake of this tangent I will call Sir Lies Alot (SLA) and one day SLA and I were driving through a less than sweet area of a decent sized American city. As we drove down a street, we happened to see a small gathering of African American men sitting on a porch in front of a not so well groomed house. SLA took this in and looked over to me and said, "looks like they are waiting for their welfare check."

I think SLA thought this was supposed to be funny. No, SLA came from poor white trash from one of those inbred western states, mom was a drunk, dad was a drunk, both survived on the kindness of agencies that gave them food and shelter. So, there we were, in a poor neighborhood, seeing a group of black people on a porch, and the only thing SLA could muster was that comment. So I called him on it, saying he was an inbred racist because, well, because the first thing he says about a group of black people on a porch is that they must be on welfare, and just waiting for that check to come so they could go buy themselves some crack. Oh, did I forget to mention that SLA had a crack addiction? I know, kettle calling the blacks addicts. Or something. The thing about people like SLA is that what the love to see in others, they never see in themselves.

It was soon after that incident that I decided SLA was not someone I wanted to be driving around with. What I also took away from that moment was the inherent bigotry that remains a part of the fabric of our country. See, SLA came from poor, no one from his family had accomplished anything, he was well on his way to becoming a disease spreading con-artist, which in his family was a high accomplishment indeed. But when liars and creeps lie, people need to call them on it.

When scumbags try to twist facts and pretend to make fair arguments out of twisted logic, someone needs to stand up and say, wait a second, I believe you just jumped off a cliff. The clip below is one of those moments. See, right now in America, you have this strange moment where for whatever reason, the vast majority of states do not allow gay people to marry. Then you get these old white guys, because trust me, it is always old white guys, who stand up and say the very fabric of our country will be ruined if we allow the gays to marry. Except, of course, that we have 5 or 6 states that already allow those pesky equal rights loving gays to marry and you know what has happened? Nothing, well, nothing except that gay people who want to express their love for one another and commit to one another in a ceremony in front of friends and family have been doing so for years now. When they do get married, people celebrate, because marriage is like that, it has promise and hope written all over it. The bigots and haters want to keep the gays away from that moment. For whatever reason, these old white guys want to keep marriage and all those insurance and tax breaks that come with it, all to themselves. Go figure.

I did some research, in the states that allow gay marriage, there has not been a single divorce filed that cited as a reason for the divorce "gay marriage." Weird, right? Because, if you recall, when the debate if being held about gay marriage, the bigots and the insane will always say, "if ya allow them gays ta marry, then ya may as well allow men to marry sheep."

As someone who has owned a couple of sheep, this is a terrible idea.

Anyway, here is what happened when an old white guy tries to twist information to fit his distorted view of the world.


  1. Senator Franken is the best. So true about the states with gay marriage, funny how the right wing keeps saying the same thing, gay marriage wil ruin the "fabric" of America, except in the states that already allow it.

    Keep up the good word.

  2. I think I know Sir Lies Alot. Brilliant.
