Monday, May 21, 2012


“Get in,” the gray haired elderly man screamed from the front seat of the Audi. “You’re Ron Paul,” I said. “That’s right, here, drink this.” He handed me a flask and I took a sip. It was sour and tart and tasted like lighter fluid. I asked what it was and he screamed at me, “cough syrup, meth and some Viagra.” That pretty much explained everything about the Ron Paul campaign I would need to know. With the exception of the Viagra, so I asked the candidate “why Viagra?” His wrinkled little wrist shot up and his thumb pointed to the back seat. That’s where three illegal ugly Canadian prostitutes were smiling, some toothless, all wearing Winnipeg Flamingo Hockey jerseys. It was right about then that I thought to myself “this was not going to get any prettier.”

Dancing with Mannequins and Idiots - Only on Amazon.

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