I am having some printing work done for marketing materials for a new book that my little company is releasing. In doing this, I have found the online printing company to be a little misleading, so I just realized I had yet to hear about my latest printing jobs current progress, so I logged onto the companies website and engaged one of their online chat gurus in the following conversation.
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Jonathan'
Jonathan: Hi Matt.
Jonathan: Welcome to Customer Service. How may I help you today?
Matt Bertles: I just realized I had not received an email that this job, # 00469354, had shipped, whats up? I expected these cards next week.
Jonathan: Let me check on that job.
Jonathan: One moment please.
Matt Bertles: Weird, ordered on monday, says it will ship thursday?
Matt Bertles: Holiday weekend coming up, when would that make the delivery?
Jonathan: Just to clarify, is this an order 4" x 3.5" Business Cards?
Matt Bertles: Yes, that was the order on Monday, 3 days ago.
Jonathan: Thank you for clarifying.
Matt Bertles: Sure. No problem. I will wait.
Jonathan: It shows here that your order will be finish and will be ship at the end of the day Thursday, May 24, 2012.
Matt Bertles: Really? Why is it taking so long from order to shipping? And when will it be delivered?
Jonathan: Yes.Please be advised that our production turnaround time does not include shipping transit time.
Jonathan: It shows here that you placed the order on Monday, Therefore this will be in production the next business day.
Matt Bertles: Right, thursday is not the next business day from Monday is it? Let me quickly check my calender, right, this week, just like last week, there was a TUESDAY after Monday, we did not go directly to Thursday.
Jonathan: For a 3day turnaround the first production is on Tuesday.
Matt Bertles: Wow. See, you seem to be agreeing with me.
Jonathan: That is why it will be finish on Thursday.
Jonathan: That is a 3day turnaround time.
Matt Bertles: There should be a warning online that is very clear and explains that the CLIENT will be waiting up to 10 days for their simple printing job.
Matt Bertles: Brilliant way to run a business. Not too mention, you seem to be the slowest typist in the entire world.
Matt Bertles: No mention of this when placing an order. I wonder why that is.
Matt Bertles: Thanks. I like how your website brags about how fast the order will be taken care of. There should be a giant monkey that appears and screams, your order will now take 10 days to complete.
Matt Bertles: Add in the holiday weekend, I may as well done these myself with crayons.
Matt Bertles: Can you tell me when I will receive this project?
Matt Bertles: Please. I will just wait while you type with, what, a single finger?
Jonathan: For a 4day transit time. The item will arrive to you Friday, June 1,2012.
Jonathan: Let me clarify that.
Matt Bertles: So, just to be clear, I place the order for these cards on a monday, and a week and 4 days later, I get the order delivered to my home? Do you consider that good service?
Jonathan: The item will arrive Thursday, May 31,2012.
Matt Bertles: Wow.
Matt Bertles: That really sucks.
Matt Bertles: This is shameful.
Jonathan: We do not do same day printing.
Matt Bertles: Again, shocking. Yeah, I can see you do not do “same day printing” but you may want to put that on your website, instead of making promises you have no way of meeting.
Matt Bertles: And slow.
Matt Bertles: Terrible.
Matt Bertles: 10 day service is shit.
Matt Bertles: The savings are not worth it.
Jonathan: We do not do production on weekend and holidays.
Matt Bertles: Obviously. Or on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Those are what? Some sort of holidays where you come from? The land of single finger typing?
Matt Bertles: OK, thanks. You have been a big help. It feels super good to know that a simple printing job that I ordered on Monday, you know, a card, a one sided card, will take about 10 days for your company to print. No wonder our country is falling behind. It is the slow typing, slow working, non-printing, lying website using people like you that will ruin this once great country.
Jonathan: And also shipping.
Jonathan: You are welcome!
Jonathan: Feel free to contact us again if you have any questions or concerns.
Matt Bertles: Terrible service all around.
Jonathan: If you have a moment, we would really like to hear about your Customer service experience. Just click on the Help us Improve button at the upper portion of our website.
Jonathan: Your feedback, comments or suggestion will be highly appreciated so we may serve you better.
Matt Bertles: no way
Jonathan: Thank you for using Live Chat. Have a nice day!
Matt Bertles: Yes, you guys are slow witted morons who should hired dolphins to work in customer service.
Matt Bertles: My dog poops faster than you type.