(AP) Provo, Utah –
Australian Lesbian and fairly famous defense attorney Beth Libitard, featured in a decent selling book about her exploits surviving and sometimes not surviving numerous hilarious attempts on her life, has either quit or been fired from the Romney Campaign.
Just last week Romney, “2012 official campaign motto, “who else?” hired Libitard to be special liaison to all things pets, especially after the whole “tied the dog on the top of the car and drove 5 thousand miles to Mexico and back and never bothered to see that it had frozen to death” story that just won’t seem to go away.
Beth came on board and promised to bring new and fresh air to the wilting campaign, but was met by a jaded and bitter Washington DC press corps, more interested in Bin Ladens last minutes and the economy that important things like proper pet care.
When the religious right got wind that Beth was an out and proud Lesbian they hit the Sunday talk show circuit. One fat white guy on Fox News said “Romney is weaving so far left now he’s hired a lesbian to help him unnerstan’ dogs. What next, lettin’ men and goats get married?”
After viewing the Fox News morning talk show, Beth Libitard was quoted as saying, “that guy was fat, stupid and republican. If I’m not wrong, that is almost the trifecta for being elected governor of Mississippi.”
Mitt Romney wanted to personally apologize for hiring an out and proud lesbian and said clearly that magic underwear will help make him a better candidate. “If you have any further questions, please forward them to my new press secretary, Dan Savage.”
Well, Romney has my vote now.