I hate abortion talk as much as the next right wing conservative dickhead. I do. In a perfect world, abortion would be unnecessary, but then, we hardly live in a perfect world.
I was walking to a meeting downtown yesterday. I ended up walking past the Planned Parenthood clinic and there were two older gentlemen standing outside with large posters of aborted babies and crosses and the like. I was in a hurry, otherwise I would have asked a couple of questions.
First, why is it almost always older white men who protest abortions? Do older white men hate abortion more than, say, younger black men? Or women in general?
Whats with the crosses? Do only catholic older white men hate abortion so much that they plant themselves in front of clinics?
The large posters, where do you get them? In my life I have never run across posters of this size in any other form, except the abortion people and the God Hates Fags loonies. Is there a special printer who only handles hate speech?
Finally, since older white men do not get pregnant, why do you care what others do to their bodies? For gods sake older white people, have you seen the tattoos of this younger generation? I am daily more disgusted by tattoos than I have ever been about abortions. In fact, from what I hear, an abortion can scare a woman for life, and so can a tattoo. How about deciding that on some days you protest at abortion clinics, and on others, tattoo parlors?
Mostly, I support both sides in this argument. Personally I have always been anti-abortion because I believe the life starts at ejaculation. I also strongly believe in an individuals right to choose what to do with their bodies, from aborting unwanted babies to tattooing the shit out of your body. I don't want to do either, so I don't.
What I do not understand from my older white male friends is why they are so passionate about a procedure they will not ever have to face? It's not like women are outside urologists offices demanding that no treatment be used for prostate cancer. Of course, that is not the same, because cancer surgery is different from abortions, because one saves a human life, the other ends one, or something.
I am all for freedom of choice in all forms, from drug use, to prostate play, to abortions. See, I am anti-abortion, but I will never get one, so I will never face that choice, which must come with some karmic consequences that are hard for men to fathom. Women know what is growing in them, they know that given the 9 months needed for a fertile egg to do it's thing, they would have a human life in their hands. They know ending that life is a terrible thing, but sometimes they must make that choice, which I am happy I never have to do.
My advice to older white men who have a need to tell women what to do with their bodies is this, think hard about what it is you wish for. This is a great country because we all get to make choices on who we date, what we eat, who we elect and what we want to do with our bodies. I have no tattoos, but I like the idea that others can pollute their bodies in any form they want, just don't force me to get one. I do not like abortions, but I do like that a woman has the right to decide if now is the right time to be bringing a baby into this chaotic world. I like that older white men can choose to protest and show disgusting pictures in public, I just wish they would choose something that would actually affect their lives, and not the lives of people they do not even know.
That old line always fits in this situation, if you don't like abortions so much, don't get one.
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