The Furry convention has opened in Pittsburgh. What is a furry you ask? Seriously? Where do you live that you don't know what a furry is?
A furry is someone who enjoys wearing a fur costume, think college mascot, and walk around, live their life and my favorite, do the furry nasty.
Now, I am all for sex, whether is be sex in a furry costume, sex with a friend or lover or, currently my obsession, sex while watching Real Housewives of New York on Hulu.
People are funny and strange, all people, including politicians, soccer players and people named Joe. Sex is something that should almost always be done in private, or private type places. Very few people should have sex in any place I can see conveniently. That is, sex is a private act, and one that is almost always uncomfortable to view.
Now, unfortunately I have actually seen myself engaging in sexual type behavior. It was not a pretty thing and if my own personal experience is anything that should be an example, do not ever view yourself having sex. I could care less if you are pretty, skinny, ugly, fat or Brad Pitt. Now, strangely enough, I have had sexual relations with Brad Pitt and I can tell you, it was not pretty.
That last statement may not be fully true.
Back to furries. My understanding is that some people in the Furry Community like to engage in sexual behavior. Now, I can not quite understand most peoples sexy-times, but I certainly have no way of understanding sexing it up with someone in a costume, or having sex in a costume. For me, it is hard enough to get all funky with it without clothing. Maybe it is because I am a furry jew type and so, I am almost always in some sort of god made furry costume.
I seem to be unable to focus. The Furries seem to like conventions in Pittsburgh. Last year the girls I live with and quite possibly am related to, accidentally stumbled upon the furry convention and I loved it. First, not enough people walk around with tails. Think about it, when was the last time you were walking down a public street and noticed the person in front of you had a tail? Hard to remember? Not for me, it was last year.
My sense is furry people are wonderful. I am all for costumes. I am all for sexing it up. I am all for conventions.
Hereis something to tie up this weeks leit motif, can two furries get married, legally? As my dear friend Sarah Palin might say, "you betcha". What is wonderful about furries is that they are just regular folk, normal in every way, except that whole sex with a costume thing, then again, like I said a few words ago, sex is almost always weird, so add a costume does not make it much different that people who have sex on tractors, politicians who have sex with their wives or people like me, blogging in my worn out French maids outfit.
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